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Will Coldplay be sympathetic to my plight?


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"The Contest is open to U.S. residents, 18 years of age or older. Proof of age shall be required."


That's what I get for reading the terms and conditions for the Madison Square Garden contest. :dozey:

Here's my issue: I'm 17 (cruel world, isn't it?) And I finally got my confirmation email today after a week. But what if I actually win?! :freak: Do you think Coldplay will be generous and give me the prize anyway or what? I don't know.




But just to be safe I entered my dad in the contest. He's well over 18. :laugh3:

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wow yeah, i didn't read the terms and conditions. worse comes to worse, you just use your parents. even if you win under the name "jenika" or "justin," as long as you have a parent or someone over 18 going with you i really think that you'll be able to get around this. i wouldn't worry too much, at least not now.


though i must say, thank god i'm over 18.

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me neither. it's my ONLY chance to see them this summer in a proper concert. and i live so close, and i'm going to be in the city that day anyway...AGH. i have 6 or 7 chances to win in there (well, three of those are friends of mine that entered who i'm almost positive would invite me if they won and i didn't, because really...who WOULDN'T think of me if they had an extra ticket to a coldplay concert?!) but i just know i'm not going to get any of them. that's just how my life usually works. i guess i'm just going to have to figure out how to get to NJ in october...:\

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well i'll see you there in nj for sure chelsea!




sounds good!! i just need to work out exactly how to get there from central PA, but i suppose i do have 5 months to figure that out...assuming i get tickets, of course, but i think i have a better chance of one person BUYING tickets than 7 people WINNING tickets. oy veyyyy....


thanks, lore :D

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i'm also hoping that there are people on ebay and even on this board that entered to win tickets, but can't go unless they win the grand prize of the enitre trip. i'm sure as hell willing to pay for these tickets...maybe not $300 or anything like that, but if it's the only way of me getting there, then hell yeah.


i'd even be willing to start/look after a thread in the live section for people looking to trade tickets etc etc. that is, if there isn't one already...:thinking:

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