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Anyone have any ideas when the boys might be heading Down Under?


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2009 will be the year for the Australian Coldplay tour, i'm willing to put money on it. I can't imagine 2008 being a possibility since everything seems to be tightly booked. But 2009 is a safe bet, there's no way that they won't tour down here for this album. In fact, if anybody, their management would be pushing the hardest for an Australian tour since their albums sell so well down here and get so much airplay. It would be very unusual not to hear from them. But, we'll have to wait until 2009 I think.

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i really hope that they're coming in 2009 because i'll be staying in australia til then. if i get the chance to go to their concert, it'll be my first!

i dnt think they'll be coming to my country so pls pls pls do come to australia next year...

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