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Coldplay’s military outfits Guardian’s #1 Trends of the year’


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1: Mainstream rock gets a makeover


The prize for silliest wardrobe goes to Coldplay, who announced their new direction by dressing like extras from Adam Ant’s ‘Prince Charming’ video. Along with Keane’s new love of pastels and Johnny Borrell’s grandma pearls, this was a sign of a sartorial crisis of confidence in rock. Suddenly, everyone wanted to appear radical, although, as far as their respective albums were concerned, the outfits were generally more adventurous than the music. The result? A space in the middle of the road filled by Kings of Leon, whose offering was reassuringly traditional: blues rock played by young men in tight trousers.


2: Africa rises


Was this the year in which African music re-entered the mainstream? Bands including Vampire Weekend and yes, even Coldplay turned there for inspiration, and others climbed on board Damon Albarn's Africa Express. The likes of Bassekou Kouyate played sold-out shows and sub-Saharan tunes were big in clubland.


3: Barack bandwagon


It was hard to over-estimate the role Obama's cheerleaders played in his securing the presidency. It was the hip hop community that was most vocal, P Diddy weighing in thus: 'I felt it was my vote that put him in office.'


4: D.I.V.O.R.C.E.


Heather Mills poured a glass of water over Macca's lawyer; Madonna and Guy were splits-ville; Ronnie Wood walked off with an ex-cocktail waitress; and as we went to press, even Amy Winehouse and Blake looked like it was finally over.


5: Golden oldies


Senior citizens were the toast of 2008. Seventy-four-year-old Leonard Cohen led the way with a string of monumental shows, while the 67-year old Neil Diamond scored the first US No 1 album of his five-decade career. Grace Jones returned, too - looking 30 years younger than her real age.




Read the rest of this year’s trends here.

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I have friends who are not big Coldplay fans but they really like the jackets and have asked me where to get them :smug:


I have one like Guy's (not the actual, but a very similar one and its not black but moss green)


I wonder where it went though, last time I saw it, I was at my friend's car :P

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