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Icing on the cake? The half-baked ideas revealed in a catalogue of decorating disasters



By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 5:53 PM on 13th October 2009



They are supposed to be the crowning moment of any special occasion but when even the icing on the cake is half-baked the results can be disastrous ... but still provide plenty of amusement.

In her book 'Cake Wrecks', U.S. blogger Jennifer Yates has pulled together a host of examples of catastrophic efforts from bakers around the world.

Ranging from the grammatically challenged to the downright weird, Mrs Yates came up with the idea for the book after her husband John signed them both up for cake decoration lessons.


article-1220009-06CA1E1D000005DC-98_634x470.jpg S-candle-ous: The cake that inspired Jennifer Yates to start a blog on decorating disasters

Enlarge article-1220009-06CA210F000005DC-457_306x423.jpg Top that: The baker behind this cake could use a copy of a dictionary in the kitchen


She started the blog in May last year after spotting some examples, but has since been inundated with hilarious examples of cake decorating howlers from around the world.

'John signed us up for cake decorating classes as a Christmas gift in 2007, and we started those in early 2008,' said Mrs Yates.


'We got hooked, and took about four months of classes together.

'When my friend Abby emailed me the famous "Under Neat That" cake the idea for Cake Wrecks just hit me - and it dovetailed nicely with my new hobby.

'I think I started the Cake Wrecks blog that very night and it was always just for fun. I never thought anyone other than a few friends would read it.'

Mrs Yates, 31, who runs a painting business with her husband, says since starting the blog she gets around 50 examples of cake catastrophes a day.

She said: 'Not all of those are post-worthy, of course, but it definitely gives me lots of material to work with.

'Simple misspellings are the most common, but even those can get hilarious when "I love you" becomes "I lave you", or "Happy Fatherhood" becomes "Happy Falker Satherhood".

'You have to wonder what was going through the baker's mind on some of these.'

Cake Wrecks, which went on sale two weeks ago, is available online and in book stores across the UK.

Mrs Yates, who lives in Orlando, Florida, added: 'The emails are starting to flood in now, and every fan I've heard from absolutely loves it.

'That's so important to me, since I wrote Cake Wrecks for them. Bottom line - if you like the blog, you're going to love the book.'



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The baker went out on a limb with this one, left, and, right, what happens when Happy Fatherhood gets misunderstood and becomes 'Happy Falker Satherhood'




Enlarge article-1220009-06CA2017000005DC-435_634x420.jpg Must have been a great party for this 'Birthday Botay'





article-1220009-06CA20BD000005DC-609_634x423.jpg Hey, where did all the lettering go? This effort, complete with luminous green flowers, looks like it has been covered in silly string


Enlarge article-1220009-06CA1EB7000005DC-676_634x417.jpg Well, maybe last year it was a case of 'It's Worth The Drive' but there must have been some pretty psychedelic memories as this lurid design shows



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Bet Ian loved that one and, right, well that's got to be the icing on the cake







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Enlarge article-1220009-06CA2158000005DC-451_306x222.jpg


So many ways to say it, be it Happy Binthday or Happy Briday, something got a little lost in taking the order



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Enlarge article-1220009-06CA2154000005DC-898_306x361.jpg


Now that is an unusual design. A non-gender specific baby with a Mohican haircut in its birthday suit sitting on a carrot. And not just one, but loads of them. While, right, is that a mortarboard I see before me? Anyway, 2009 ... what a great year






Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1220009/Half-baked-Catastrophic-cake-decorating-disasters-revealed.html#ixzz0Tvab3PKL

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