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Ok, so I have this problem. I'm in a band. When ever I come up with a little melody for a new song I am usually alone. I continue working on that melody until it becomes a full song. With a chorus, drum beat, outro bassline, and a guitar part. And in my opinion every part I made up is important and sounds very good! Sure maybe each part could use some work but each instrument has a main idea.


Is this bad? Is this how a lot of bands make songs?

I feel bad because then when we meet up at practice to work on this 'new song' I have to say, "Okay, Erik. This is how your part goes. Connor, this is how your part goes."


I feel like this is not what you're suppose to do. But I keep wanting to do this. This happens every time I make a song. And I know that if they do end up playing what I tell them to play, we will have an amazing song.


Has Chris Martin ever made a song and had a drum beat or guitar part in his head while he made it? He MUST have.

Not every song has to be written TOGETHER right?

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