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What does coldplay mean to you?


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So, I'm kind of new to this place, and I don't know if this will be seen but here's my little story..


I didn't REALLY start getting into coldplay until VIVA came out. I mean I knew some songs from AROBTH and some from X&Y. However, I really didn't know the band and what they stood for. After VIVA though something clicked inside of me. So, I got all of their music, including b-side songs and such and just started to dive in. One week it would be clocks that hits me, then the next it would don't panic, then the next would be swallowed at sea. It's been about two/three years since I first heard coldplay, and they have helped me in so many ways. I think their music has something in it. I know that sounds weird, but when I hear the beginning to clocks, or the ending of fix you, or the guitar rift of charlie brown something inside of me connects to what's being played. They have gotten me through family issues, friend issues, and life issues. I have seen them once, which was in Atlanta at the music midtown festivle, and i'll be seeing them again this monday "floor seat!!", and I can't even put into words how excited i am, to see the band that sings about not only my life, but all of the other coldplayers life out there. After all...


Life is for living:smug:

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