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IRS Employees Union Is 'Very Concerned' About Being Required To Enroll In Obamacare's Health Insuran

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Does anyone, not in the insurance/lobbyist/pharmaceutical business and government, actually think this is a good idea? It was almost the same bill as the one written by the insurance industry lobbyist. But they had the average person in mind, of course.


If the Affordable Care Act is good for the rest of us, why isn't it good enough for the government employees charged with administering it??
Garry Johnson.


In the private sector, many workers are concerned about losing their employer-sponsored health insurance coverage, and being dumped into Obamacare’s subsidized insurance exchanges. Two weeks ago, representatives of three large labor unions fired off a harsh letter to Democratic leaders in Congress, complaining that Obamacare would “shatter…our hard-earned health benefits” and create “nightmare scenarios” for their members. Today, we learn that the National Treasury Employees Union—the union that includes employees of the Internal Revenue Service—is asking its members to write letters to their Congressmen, stating that they are “very concerned” about legislative efforts requiring IRS and Treasury employees to enroll in the Obamacare exchanges.


“I am a federal employee and one of your constituents,” the letter begins. “I am very concerned about legislation that has been introduced by Congressman Dave Camp to push federal employees out of the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) and into the insurance exchanges established under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).”



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