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what's the BIG idea...well: (SINGING)


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I imagine this could be one of those threads that gets alot of posts, or someone could tell me to P!ss off and shut up, and no-one else post at all :P :cry:


Anyway, i know people on here can sing, but maybe don't play an instrument, so, I was thinking maybe people who do play instrument (including me :wink3: :D ) could play them, and upload them somewhere, (although, i don't have anywhere yet, i suppose i could try find somewhere)...and then the singers could download it, sing on it, and upload it somewhere for all to hear :idea2:

Could be excellent :smug: ...or it could be poo poo :(

we could do any song pretty much, and do it in different styles, or slower, faster...whatever :D i hope this works.

Anyone have anything to say, or songs to suggest?

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