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Please answer these questions ??? they are good


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1. How would it make you feel if none of the members/or people in your class work place spoke to you or included you in any of there conversations?

2. What would you do to make someone new on your team feel more part of the class or workplace?

3. How do you and your collouge or fellow peers support eachother?

4. How do you and your team set an example to other classes/teams? (I.e. show off that your class/team is the best)


5. What do you think makes a work place school?

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1. How would it make you feel if none of the members/or people in your class work place spoke to you or included you in any of there conversations? UH...I WOULD CRY...NO I WOULDN'T, I'D FIND SOMEONE TO INCLUDE ME DAMMIT!


2. What would you do to make someone new on your team feel more part of the class or workplace? I'D INVITE THEM TO HAVE LUNCH WITH ME.


3. How do you and your collouge or fellow peers support eachother? BACK SCRATCHES AND HIGH FIVES


4. How do you and your team set an example to other classes/teams? (I.e. show off that your class/team is the best) THE WORK ITSELF SHOWS IT.


5. What do you think makes a work place school? I DON'T GET THE QUESTION. NEXT!


That reminded me of a survey I had to take when I got my office job. :dozey:

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  • 1 year later...

1. How would it make you feel if none of the members/or people in your class work place spoke to you or included you in any of there conversations?

I would feel ignored,but if they dont want talk to me,I will tray to talk with them.

2. What would you do to make someone new on your team feel more part of the class or workplace?

I will treat the same way I will like to be treat,although there is a lot of different ways to treat a person.

3. How do you and your collouge or fellow peers support eachother?

Talking about what we did and how do we feel.To be interested in theirs problems and to help to solve them.

4. How do you and your team set an example to other classes/teams? (I.e. show off that your class/team is the best)

I think that if you only focus in do a great job it does not matter what other teams or people does.

5. What do you think makes a work place school?

Respect for each other

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1. sad, really sad

But I would ask them what's wrong



2. I would talk to him/her, try to show him/her that we're glad to have him/her in the team...


3. aahhh, it's hard to say....I'm helpful when they need me 'cos I expect the same from them....


4. no idea, really :stunned:

it needs a lot of self-confidence...


5. it's all about the people....................





I think I didn't help you in any way


helloooooo Daryl! :) :)

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OOoh! I missed Estherchen... :cry:


and furthermore I am confused as to where my name fit in all that...?? :huh: I don't see it there anymore... :cry: But thanks for the compliment Estherchen!!! :kiss:


ok back to topic..


1. How would it make you feel if none of the members/or people in your class work place spoke to you or included you in any of there conversations?

-I assume the question is 'didn't include' me... and my answer is.. at this very moment.. I don't really care.. because they already do that! lol I think at first I would feel a bit bad.. but they are old hags to.. I don't give a shite.


2. What would you do to make someone new on your team feel more part of the class or workplace?

-invite them out for a pint..


3. How do you and your collouge or fellow peers support eachother?

-we buy each other pints and back each other up in times of need.


4. How do you and your team set an example to other classes/teams? (I.e. show off that your class/team is the best)

-we dont.. we just get the job done.


5. What do you think makes a work place school?

-school?? I would say all the drama in the office is just like being in Junior High. If you meant 'cool' then I'd say defo respect and dress down Fridays.

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