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French songs... or bands listened by french


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Hello tout le monde....


Oui... on parle musique sur l'autre thread "zone francaise" mais je pensais que ca pouvait être plus intéressant de regrouper nos échanges en la matiére ici !!!!

titre d'album, concerts en France, faites découvrir des artistres francais mais pas seulement...


Ce qui est intéressant c'est : mais qu'est ce qu'écoutent les francais qui écoutent aussi Coldplay !!!


Voili voilou !


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i listen a band that use to sing some parts of their songs in french :idea2:

They are Clom... i'm sorry but seems that their website don't work now :( i'll post their site link here soon. ;)



Don't know this band :confused:

What songs do they play ?



Cool pour le post Popo_tout_court :cool:

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i listen a band that use to sing some parts of their songs in french :idea2:

They are Clom... i'm sorry but seems that their website don't work now :( i'll post their site link here soon. ;)


CLOM ? I dont know them... so we will wait your link ! ;)


Ah cool tu as fait le post


Bah ouep !!!!

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Oui Juju... on se souviendra toute notre vie de ce jour de victoire pour toi !!!! Merci Juju... merci !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

...ah bah si vous voulez parler de Calo... allez y ! je vous en prie ...


Juste pour Keane_coldplay : je n'ai pas oublié ma promesse (celle de diffuser les photos de Gérald dans le lounge !) :D

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Mylène Farmer :D I like her songs, I have a few albums of her.


Oui Popo_tout_court ma victoire sera dans l'histoire à jamais :D lol Je me demande si je vais pas faire construire un monument pour qu'on s'en souvienne lol

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the teacher told us she is very mysterious too... and that she had problems with some of their songs. :stunned: one was because the title that was like a book about 2nd world war i think and she appears on the video dancing near the flames and some people didn't liked it.


another video that my friends werr shocked at was one where she gets in a church and talked with a man i don't remember if was her or the man that touch the water and there's smoke from the water, then the women is blind and goes there to give back her ring to the man. and then from the women goes out blood i think and a jesus christ fall down the floor from a wall or something like that. i don't remember the names of the videos. :/

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