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New Archer book sales make real impression


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JEFFREY Archer is back in the spotlight once more.


The 65-year-old's first book since his prison experience, False Impression, is selling quickly and he is relishing being the focus of media attention.


He said: "The press have been wonderful - and you can't have heard me say that very often. Very civilised and very decent - with the one exception."


He declines to name that one exception and concentrates instead on sales of his latest book.


He said: "It is selling very fast.


Third reprint in four days, 120,000 hardbacks in England in four days.


Never had that before."


Rest of the story: http://www.cambridge-news.co.uk/news/region_wide/2006/03/21/b8bc2620-6742-4357-8549-3ea88179ef68.lpf

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