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Gitta Rensolo

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Do you often change your style?


I mean when it comes to clothes etc....

I have been shopping today....and I needed some things for a big celcbration which is goin to come in our family!

I needed something very pretty.....I already had a suit.....

So today I bought some earings and stuff....and actually I NEVER wear things like that....

and then I tried those things in front of the mirror.......and showed them my mum...and I looked damn pretty!yes.........I was so proud that I bought those things....I thought I could change my style a bit!

A bit more girl like....but NOT girlie!

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Do you often change your style?

So today I bought some earings and stuff....and actually I NEVER wear things like that....

awww cool, earrings, nice!! bet they look great!


I buy too much jewellery..I mean not like expensive jewellery but from shops...its a bit of an obsession for me..I like making bracelets and stuff too.. On Monday I was shopping and bought 12 pairs of earrings :sick: :laugh4:...admittedly, 9 pairs came altogether as a set,I got a nice pair of dice earrings too. Maybe I went over the top lol!!! :lol:


I see what you mean about changing style...just the little things can add to your style..like jewellery.

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I always feel happy if I buy something new that I like... :D I don't change my style often... or at least never totally... If I buy something I like, I might just buy something a bit similar next time I go shopping...

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I know what you mean. I dress real realaxed and not very girly at all.

But my parents have business dinners that the family has to attend on some weekends. And the are dressy affairs. You know, like, "cute" blouse, little skirts.

I have my older sis pick stuff out (i dislike shopping much!) because she is said to have up to date styles.

I trust that I look okay :confused:


but sometimes, i catch a glimpse when i am dressed like that...and i don't look half bad.


i mean, i would not dress cutesie all the time, but it does make a difference in me.



and hey, i bought a shirt that looks just like this...but it is fitted (to my body) ;)

and i think it is the coolest thing!


(just giving an idea of my style)



But I do not change my style often... i have been pretty much the same since like, mmm 10th grade i guess.


http:// http://image.www.rakuten.co.jp/z-craft/img10111744160.jpeg

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I think that if my style ever changes, it's purley subconcious. I hate dressing up, I'm probably a disgrace to girls everywhere in that aspect. I'm usually wearing converse/or vans, old thrift store tshirts and jeans that wont get ripped in the chain of my bmx. Or as I like to put it, my little childrens bike I pedal around on and jump over things. :)

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I like weird earrings and stuff......Sometimes my style is too wird, I suppose, but who cares?...I like it, so I wear it.

Hmm...I can't remember the last time I've been wearing skirt or a dress.....

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']I'm probably a disgrace to girls everywhere in that aspect. I'm usually wearing converse/or vans, old thrift store tshirts


Disgrace? From a fellow female I would like to say I think you're awesome! Anyone who can rock chuck taylors and thrift store t-shirts is my hero.


For me, I never change my style. I'm pretty much t-shirt and jeans. I have about a billion dress shoes (a nice pair of high heels are my shopping weakness) but I'm usually sporting the old tennies. I was shopping today and found a wicked awesome pair of white open toe pumps. Well, long story short after about 45 minutes I decided not to get them..for now.. :confused:

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