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Green Wing


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Just feel that this very funny 'sketch' show needs a thread where people can gather to chat about what they love...or hate about this programme on channel 4.


Ive just recently perCHASED season one which i must say is dangeriously funny and could cause you a hernia


from laughing too much that is, not just by watching it! put you straight there...not that being bent is wrong just so you understand! (that was my dr statham bit there....oh i need a life)


- if you watch this programme you will look like this :lol:

- if you DONT watch this programme you will look like this :(

- if you watch this programme and find it crude and offencive then you will look like this :veryangry2: and should probably stop tuning in every friday night and sell your copy of season one on ebay.




which season are you finding funnier...one or two. there is no three yet!



also list some of your favourite moments also for me just so i can replay them in my mind.


and remember I BOUGHT YOU FOR 30p

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You sound just my like my friend!!! :lol:


She's completely obsessed at the moment! Everywhere she visits on the internet she leaves a trail of funny Green Wing quotes behind her, it's hillarious! :laugh4:


I watched most of Series1, which I found hysterical. But I haven't watched a single episode this series! :( I hope they repeat the whole lot sometime....im too lazy to try and catch up now!


But yes, it's a great show!!! :thumbsup:

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