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Help on Shiver . . .


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Tis' my first offical post into these forums, aside from my new member post...

My first favor to ask, is if someone has the complete shiver music (Tabs are fine but chords are better). I love you for helping, Laters...


PS Go easy on me if theres already a thread out there, I couldnt find the search option since Im new...

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I'll give you the intro+chorus.



All played on G -8-8-8-6-6-9-9-9-6-6-8-8-8-6-6-1-1-4-4-6-8-8-8-ETC-8-8-8-6-6-9-9-9-9-14-14-14-16-16-13(wiggle your finger back and forth on the 13)-6-6-s8-s4


sorry if that came out horrible. The notes are perfect though I assure you. The small "s"'s that I made mean slide your finger up without plucking the string.

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