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This movie was way better than I expected it would be. The movie also was really funny in some parts. I don't want to ruin them for ya. But it made me laugh my ass off when Arnold Schwarzenegger came back from the future. All in all, I'd give it


* * * 1/2 stars.

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It is worth seeing. The plot was better than I thought it would be. The action was just as good as the action in the last two movies. The acting was actually pretty good. Nick Stahl did a good job, and Claire Daines was also good. Arnold also did a good job. The movie was not quite as good as the old ones. But it was good enough!

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haha, in Terminator 3, you could tell Arnold really had fun playing the part again. At one part, him and John Conner were driving away from LA, and Arnold walked into a gas station and took a bunch of food, and just walked out without paying. And the cashier was like "HEY! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" and then Arnold turns to the guy and sticks his palm out in front of his face and says "Talk to the hand" ahahha

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My favroite one liner of his is in End Of Days. Arnold has to rescue a chick from a bunch of satanic believers, who need her for a ritual to set loose satan on New Years Day.


Priest "What are you going to do! The world is going to end at 12:00 tonight!"

Arnold *loads gun and takes the safety off*. "Is that Eastern time?"

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