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Waiting around after a show.


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At Brixton, I tried to see if I could see any of them after the gig, but Jonny and Guy left in the blink of an eye and hopped into a car, that ironically seemed to 'hang'/pause for ages (well what seemed like ages, as the traffic moved away) near to me, Kash and Pete before it sped off. doh!


Best bet is before the show I think.

Nettie, who used to post here, met them all before the show... and I wish I had too... although, I might have lost my barrier spot if I'd left the queue. *sigh*


Hey I was at brixton too here's my photo of jonny and guy...



my brother in law made this, i was closer but didn't get a good pic :cry:


we saw chris and will leave too, they left at least an hour after the show, but it's afamily show, so thats why they didn't do arunner i guess

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