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strobe lights?

Mug Costanza

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Hey all. I'm seeing Coldplay on Monday in Boston, and I just had a quick question regarding the stage effects they may or may not use.


I am a migraine sufferer. One thing that can trigger a migraine for me is strobe lighting. In fact, I got a migraine after just watching Muse's "H.A.A.R.P." DVD because of all the strobe lights they used during "Stockholm Syndrome".


My question to those of who you have seen Coldplay so far on this tour is, do they use strobe lights in their show? I''m bringing my medicine regardless just in case, but I'd strongly prefer not to have my night ruined with a migraine.



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Hey all. I'm seeing Coldplay on Monday in Boston, and I just had a quick question regarding the stage effects they may or may not use.


I am a migraine sufferer. One thing that can trigger a migraine for me is strobe lighting. In fact, I got a migraine after just watching Muse's "H.A.A.R.P." DVD because of all the strobe lights they used during "Stockholm Syndrome".


My question to those of who you have seen Coldplay so far on this tour is, do they use strobe lights in their show? I''m bringing my medicine regardless just in case, but I'd strongly prefer not to have my night ruined with a migraine.





Hey there,

I suffer from pretty crazy migraines (triggered by far too many things), aswell, and had the same fear you did before going to the show (as I do with every concert). I'm not positive if they used strobe lights (it think, yes... just not really up on my lighting terms, lol), however I was in the sixth row and I was perfectly fine, and able to enjoy the show! I just tried to focus all of my attention on the band, and not the lighting. Hopefully you have a similar, migraine-free experience :) Definitely take your meds with you just incase, and maybe take something not too strong before hand so you're not worrying so much about the "what if".

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Hey all. I'm seeing Coldplay on Monday in Boston, and I just had a quick question regarding the stage effects they may or may not use.


I am a migraine sufferer. One thing that can trigger a migraine for me is strobe lighting. In fact, I got a migraine after just watching Muse's "H.A.A.R.P." DVD because of all the strobe lights they used during "Stockholm Syndrome".


My question to those of who you have seen Coldplay so far on this tour is, do they use strobe lights in their show? I''m bringing my medicine regardless just in case, but I'd strongly prefer not to have my night ruined with a migraine.




hi - yes they used strobes lights on a few songs.. one that comes to mind was Politik (that one was quite intense in lighting in general). You can always see some of the videos on youtube (I put up almost the entire concert of Toronto July 30th and there is another post that has most of the 31st) and see how it is. Politik is the only one that stands out in my mind.

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Okay. Watched some of the Politik video. That'll probably be one to watch out for if they play it in Boston, but I feel like the flashes of light might be just too far apart to trigger a migraine. But thank you so, so much for the heads-up and the video!

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Okay. Watched some of the Politik video. That'll probably be one to watch out for if they play it in Boston, but I feel like the flashes of light might be just too far apart to trigger a migraine. But thank you so, so much for the heads-up and the video!


enjoy the concert - it is truly an experience :)

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  • 8 years later...
Hey all. I'm seeing Coldplay on Monday in Boston, and I just had a quick question regarding the stage effects they may or may not use.


I am a migraine sufferer. One thing that can trigger a migraine for me is strobe lighting. In fact, I got a migraine after just watching Muse's "H.A.A.R.P." DVD because of all the strobe lights they used during "Stockholm Syndrome".


My question to those of who you have seen Coldplay so far on this tour is, do they use strobe lights in their show? I''m bringing my medicine regardless just in case, but I'd strongly prefer not to have my night ruined with a migraine.



Hi i am going to a concery in july and suffer from epilepsy and have issues with lights. Can some advise on the strobe lighting thank you

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  • 2 months later...
Hi i am going to a concery in july and suffer from epilepsy and have issues with lights. Can some advise on the strobe lighting thank you


There's not much strobe lighting during the AHFOD tour. During "Something Just Like This" there's some strobe lighting, but the flashes shouldn't be flashing quickly enough to trigger an epilepsy attack

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