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Hey guys,

umm, well im prettty new here, and not a lot of u guys know me. I dont even know if this is the right place to be posting this. . . but i wrote lyrics a couple months back, inspired by the way i was feeling while listening to the scientist


I kinda feel like sharing them, to see if maybe some fellow coldplay fans have answers to the questions i asked in the passage. or if anybody has suggestions, comments, feedback ?


Please be honest, i really like to hear what people think about what i write, and i also like to hear what they think i was tryin to see


Feel free to post other lyrics or poetry you may have written here as well !




They told me that

'nobody said it was easy

no one ever said it would be this hard'


Does anyone understand how I feel

when those words run for the steal

and take over every square inch of my body


When passion turns to inspiration

and anxiety turns to excitement

you know theres nothing more left

but the expression of this emotion


How can others understand

when i dont stand a chance myself

At knowing what this feeling

Is trying to tell me about itself


The people around me are changing colours

Or is it me, thats trying to fit in?

I thought i knew her, but all i notice are her flaws

Or is it the changes, making me fight for a lost cause?


When i listen to this music, i become who i am

Or, is that who i want to be?

Along with the colours, the moods are changing

But which me is really me?


I tell them to 'Live life in the moment'

And i was making the best of it too

Until i started writing,

Does writing bring out the best in me

or the worst?


They told me that

'nobody said it was easy

no one ever said it would be this hard'


Does anyone understand how I feel

when all i wish i could do is steal

those words and make them mine.


I personally find it to be the weirdest thing i've ever written...

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