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Coldplay sound effect help


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Does anyone know how Jonny obtains that echoe-y sound? Like at the end of the Live 03 Life is for Living, and he also does it constant throughout Lovers in Japan. That tremolo-picking type of riff has some sort of sound effect that makes the note ring out very smoothly. Does anyone know what kind of effects he's using?

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For the end of Life is for Living he is likely using a shit load of reverb and I would guess also some kind of custom delay programmed into his Line6 DL4. The distortion on it sounds kinda like a tube screamer but he didn't have one of those back then to my knowledge so I would assume it was just a lower filter setting on his RAT (distortion pedal). As for Lovers In Japan it sounds alot different to me but maybe I'm thinking of a different part of the song than you are.

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For the end of Life is for Living he is likely using a shit load of reverb and I would guess also some kind of custom delay programmed into his Line6 DL4. The distortion on it sounds kinda like a tube screamer but he didn't have one of those back then to my knowledge so I would assume it was just a lower filter setting on his RAT (distortion pedal). As for Lovers In Japan it sounds alot different to me but maybe I'm thinking of a different part of the song than you are.


Yeah that's what I was guessing. A heavy mix of distortion, reverb and delay. I guess I gotta just mess around with those combos. Thanks

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One thing to remember so as not to discourage you is that the sound of an arena carries that sound a hell of alot better than your gonna get in your room or basement. In My Place is a prime example. You seem knowledgeable though, i'm sure you'll find a combo that works to satisfaction.

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One thing to remember so as not to discourage you is that the sound of an arena carries that sound a hell of alot better than your gonna get in your room or basement. In My Place is a prime example. You seem knowledgeable though, i'm sure you'll find a combo that works to satisfaction.


Yeah I know that. Maybe I could show you exactly what Im trying to get.



^In that video, the guitar from 3:06 to 3:47 (that echoey sound) is exactly what I need to get. If you can tell what that is it would really help.

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I have a live video that I took at a Mat Kearney show of that song, just have to find it to take a listen how that sound is made live....


My initial impression is that to play that on guitar you need you need something that creates a hell of alot of sustain (like an e-bow). It is more likely that sound is MIDI or synth created.

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I have a live video that I took at a Mat Kearney show of that song, just have to find it to take a listen how that sound is made live....


My initial impression is that to play that on guitar you need you need something that creates a hell of alot of sustain (like an e-bow). It is more likely that sound is MIDI or synth created.


do you think good recording software like MusicMaker 14 which has a lot of features might have something that could edit that sound in? My band desperately needs that sound.

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For the newer live performances, he seems to be relying(sp?) heavily on rack units, which in general, make deep layering of multiple effects easier than with pedals. I the LiJ uses the Eventide processor quite heavily, but am not certain of that.


EDIT: The sound you want from the video, is as Bearcat said, most likely either synth or MIDI. the only thing I know of that sounds like that, (and is relatively readily available), are some of the Line 6 units. They're expensive, but anything else that can create that kind of echo-y sustain is probably in the realm of very high end professional gear.


If you're really desperate to create such a sound on the cheap, you can try playing around with a tape delay (or modeler of one) to get a speeded up heavy delay and sustain combo. Of course, that won't really be cheap either and it won't sound exactly like what you want.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i think i know what you are talking about . i asked the same question about the intro to lovers in japan. he plays a ringing note then strums real fast and gets this heavy reverb sound that seems to go on forever. i have the line 6 pedals but cant replicate this sound.

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"Line 6 is mediocer. I will always go Boss over Line 6."


I assume you're both talking about the Pod Multi FX Pedals. While I wouldn't go so far as to call them awful, they do have issues. However, if you're looking at a rack unit Line 6 is hands down the best you can get before you cross into super high end gear.

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"I heard mixed reviews upon the DL4s durability."


If you treat it with a basic level of care and respect, it holds up fine. If however, you're one of those people who expects your gear to withstand a multi story drop without a scratch, it's probably not for you...

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