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Brave New World


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I own an apology to many people in this board. I know I can be anoying sometimes, even

silly, but that's the way I've been always, and it's was not easy to change. You might think

this is stupid, why would someone be writing something like this, what's the point?


I've decided to stop this, I think there is no point anymore. I expect people, at last,

will understand this, and If they don't, then there is nothing I can do about it.


I would like to thanks Ian for havng such an amazing site, and to your brother, of course.

You are,both, very patient people and I thanks that a lot. I admitt I sometiems tred to piss you off,

both, but it was like you didn't care, it was "It's ok..." I was expecting to see some ungry faces,

but it didn't happend. Thanks for helping me when I had some doubts; Tifosi was a great there, not that

much Ian; youare really confusing when trying to expalin something.


Victoria, she was very nice and kind with me, well I asume most of you know that already. It was very

nice talking to her, I don't think she thinks the same, but anyway... It was better than talking to my mom



To Angie ( Guy's Chick), you introduced me to kickboxing, which I enjoyed very much. I always think I bother

people, you are not the exception, but were also very kind, and you loved sports as much as I did... Thank you!


To Simon ( Hicksy). I actuall facts, I never spoke to you, but it was quite funny to read what you wrote.

I never understood really what was meant to say, or to be, some people is not that clever, but it helped to think

for a while ( nevertheless I never had a conclusion).


To Maria ( MariaC), you were also very kind. I found most people whoa answer me nice ( as no one writes me I have to write),

but you were specially nice to me, you didn't even know me, and I used to write random things and I must have bother you more than once,

and I am sorry, but it was you care about it, you know when you don't have much people to talk to, you relay on

other people to help you, and everytime I had I wrote you, or someone else. You can see that I used to ask the same,

all the time


To Fifi, it was very kind of you to help me with the Irish history, well stories. You might think they were silly

but I had fun with them and ... you know.


To Dio, of course, actually I should had started with you ( after the owner of this site). You are such an amazing person,

funny, smart, cute, and you didn't care If I wrote 100 times the same thing, you would always say "Keep trying, or heep doing that..."

or so. It was a more than a pleasure, a blessing to have talked to you.


To The Great Divider. I am very sorry for my "Again!" thread. I didn't mean to piss you off. I once read a book, about a man

who did always the same, the books was just repetition, and I thought, it is impossible that people would read somenthing that is all

the time the same, so I decided to try and see what happened. I am very sorry, but If hope that helps for forgivness.


To Juie ( Jewl) you know you are fantastic, not like some of us, but I might see you another day, another time...


It would tell me years to finish this, and thats not the Idea. Thanks to the Laura, Vin, Jacob ( what for he might ask), Kasia,

Sara ( what for you might ask -again ), Amelie, Noni, The Spanish girls - they always post at C. Martin's forum - Kettercat ( thanks for

your help) and I'll add some more later.


It's been almost 9 months since I came for the first time, so I thought it was propper, not to say part of th good-manners, to say Good bye.

I might stop coming on September the 12nd or 12th, to complete my nine months here ( that's the time it takes a baby to grow up in the mother's

belly, so it's quite a lot) There are many things to do until that day, but just in case, I wanted to thanks first.


Thanks to everyone, the atmosphere here was very good.There still many to come here, and I hope them to have as much as I did.


I might add somenthing later,I'm now preparing myself for the Brave New World.


Shalom Aleykhem ( Thanks Maya)


P.S: I'm sorry If you wasted your time reading this.

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Awwwww Carla :) Why!? You dont need no explanation for your actions...I mean from what i have come to know about you.... you are a great girl.....so theres no need for you to do such a thread - of course thanking is great - but trying to apologize!!???......everyone here is different and everyone in here opens stupid threads...- i found your "again" actually pretty amusing -..why apologize to peeps like "thegreatdivide"[nth against you]...who should just leave the thread if they dont like it....u werent affecting anyone...[well of course..i dont know what Ian & Stephen thought of it but i dont think that thread was causing much prob to them].....i must admit this is one of the most beau threads ive ever read coz it sounds so thoughtful and deep....i dont know why you are leaving :huh: ...Estas dejando Chile? Coz u are talkin of "Brave New World"...i hope thats the real case...coz i dont want you to stop posting in here coz u think u would piss peeps off...of course its you who has to decide....anyways i wish you all the best Carla...you will succeed in everything you desire...coz not many peeps are as amazing as you! :) ......



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You are all very kind. Thank you very much. I still love this board and I'm not moving anywhere, I'm staying right here, so that's not the reason. You see I see the things is this way, I told this before, I think there is two kind of person, one with future and the other with no future at all. And I think I'm part of the 2nd one. I used to believe in things, I used to like many things, but now I don't. This thread is called like this because of the book, "Brave New World", Aldous Huxley, about dreams, it was an utopy, values, moral things, etc... They thought they were free and happy, but they were wrong; I thought many things too, and I was wrong. I don't want to coem here and talk nonsense, bother people - I'm sure pople hate my post, I mean If I want to leave, fine, why do you have to post that? - and I'm notalways concious of what I write, so you will avoid that and believe me, you won't even remember I existed.


Shalom Aleykhem!

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