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Exercises G.1-G.10


G.1 Review Your Background as a Writer

In order to give yourself and your instructor an overview of your background as a writer, complete the following exercises. Use your own paper.:P

Skip 1-7 (it's just an exercise)

Go To G.4


G.4 Freewriting as a Source of Ideas

Begin by streaming your thoughts onto paper, as they come to you, in the general topic area you wish to discuss with the reader. In the space provided, list two potential topics it suggests to you. Then record details from the freewriting that might be useful in developing each topic in a three- to four-page paper. Add any other ideas that come to mind (if they're not too risque).

Begin Here:______________________________________________________....


To illustrate how books are usually better than movies is an excellent topic! Yes, the imagination is more powerful than film, since it's using our capacity to visualize something, which puts us in a sort of dream state - subconscious streams of thought.. good topic - psychology journals might offer some interesting insights as to the mechanisms, but that might ruin the mood. Hmm.. just go for it!

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