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Sick teenager who microwaved his little brother's hamster to death faces being locked up


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Sick teenager who microwaved his little brother's hamster to death faces being locked up



By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 3:07 PM on 08th January 2010




A brutal teenager who cooked his little brother's pet hamster in a microwave could be locked up. a magistrate revealed today.

The cruel 16-year-old boy left the defenceless timy rodent with scorched internal organs and burned its hind leg down to the bone.

Amazingly, the hamster survived the ordeal and the crime only came to light when his mother's friend took the suffering creature to the vet 24 hours later.

By this time its hind leg had swollen into a blister and burst, before shrivelling into a blackened crisp.

The shocked vet took the decision the put the hamster down immediately and called the RSPCA.


Enlarge article-1241657-07CC775B000005DC-384_468x286.jpg A Russian hamster like this one was boiled alive in a microwave by the cruel teenager


Kettering Magistrates' Court today heard the youth - who cannot be named - initially denied any involvement and blamed his other brother.

But in court he pleaded guilty to causing unnecessary suffering under Section 4 of the Animal Welfare Act 2006.

Kevin McCole, prosecuting on behalf of the RSPCA, said the teenager had threatened to microwave the hamster on three previous occasions.

He told the court: 'On March 23 the mother was sitting at home in Corby, Northamptonshire, with her husband when she heard a commotion in the living room.

'Two of her three sons came running in shouting the eldest had put the hamster in the microwave and cooked it.

'They put the hamster back in the cage but her son was was laughing and not at all sorry.'

The one-year-old white Russian hamster was still able to move by the time it got to the vet but its condition was rapidly deteriorating.

Mr McCole added: 'The right hind leg had been completely burnt away leaving just the skeleton and the charred remains of flesh.

'The vet concluded the hamster had been caused a great deal of pain and would have been made to suffer unnecessarily for an extended period of time.'



In mitigation, John Whiston, said his client had admitted responsibility for the offence and was still awaiting the results of a psychiatric report.

He added: 'He cannot explain to me or you why he did it. A further psychiatric report is required.'

article-1241657-07CC190D000005DC-868_233x184.jpg The pet hamster had to be put down by a vet


Chair of the bench, Melvin Garner, adjourned the case until February 5 but warned the youth he could face time in custody.


He said: 'We consider the offence to be so serious a custodial sentence is appropriate.

'But we realise if the psychiatric report recommends hospital treatment that will take priority.'

The youth was released on unconditional bail.

Speaking outside court, RSPCA Inspector Clint Davies said he was pleased magistrates were taking the offence seriously.

He said: 'I do not think you can really get any idea of how much pain an animal goes through when it's put into a microwave and cooked.

'It would take more than a few seconds to burn the leg right down to the bone.

'Microwaves cook from the inside and the organ damage must have been horrific. I am extremely pleased they have mentioned custody.'



Inspectors do not known how long the unnamed animal was left in the microwave for.

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