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Why are boys always late?

Sweet One

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:lol: :lol: @ all of you!


Once, I took a girl out for a date, to the symphony, in downtown. Actually since both of us were working, she said she'll meet me there. The doofus that I am, I didn't plan and check the place out ahead of time. I was soooo in trouble with the car parking, I didn't know where to park! By the time I got to the symphony hall, the concert had already started, and since I had both our tickets, the girl had already left :( :/

I felt so bad about it all!


But turns out she suddenly had to care for a baby neice and she couldn't even make it to downtown! lmao


I'm not too big on being there on the dot...exactly on time!

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:lol: :lol: @ all of you!


Once, I took a girl out for a date, to the symphony, in downtown. Actually since both of us were working, she said she'll meet me there. The doofus that I am, I didn't plan and check the place out ahead of time. I was soooo in trouble with the car parking, I didn't know where to park! By the time I got to the symphony hall, the concert had already started, and since I had both our tickets, the girl had already left :( :/

I felt so bad about it all!


But turns out she suddenly had to care for a baby neice and she couldn't even make it to downtown! lmao


I'm not too big on being there on the dot...exactly on time!

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:) you're welcome, i kinda like it myself eh!


i guess i would let the girl pay her half if she really really insisted, but not usually. one of my best friend knows this now and she just doesn't bother, instead she kinda treats me to something else, like movie tickets or something! lol

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well this girl friend of mine's much older than me (and married, now!) so yeah...it's only movie tickets! lmao although sometimes she's actually insisted on paying for the whole meal too....


guess it just depends on the two people involved :smug: and how their relationship is :cool:

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