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Mosh pit pass at Emirates?


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Moshpit Access at Emirates??




I'm hoping someone can help me!


I'm going to Emirates gig tomorrow (June 4th) and was wondering what the procedure is for getting a mosh pit pass? When I go to Springsteen gigs, I arrive about 11am, get a number on my hand, go to several roll calls then get given my pit pass around 5pm. Is it the same for Coldplay gigs or something different?

Really want to be at the front and don't mind starting queuing around 111am if it gurantees a moshpit pass.


I'm hoping that someone can advise.


Thank you!!



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I'm hoping someone can help me!


I'm going to Emirates gig tomorrow (June 4th) and was wondering what the procedure is for getting a mosh pit pass? When I go to Springsteen gigs, I arrive about 11am, get a number on my hand, go to several roll calls then get given my pit pass around 5pm. Is it the same for Coldplay gigs or something different?

Really want to be at the front and don't mind starting queuing around 111am if it gurantees a moshpit pass.


I'm hoping that someone can advise.


Thank you!!



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Not sure if this is a serious question or not haha


But (as far as I know) there is no "mosh pit" nor any sort of golden circle or anything like that.

If you want to be at the front, you're going to have to queue for a long time and leg it to the front of the stage when you're let through.

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