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Shredder2/Texas Rez Blogs

Texas Rez

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Hello, all! I know some of you know me, and if you don't then it's okay. :P


I just wanted to post some blogs up, so now I made a thread if you'd like to read my blogs. So far, I just wrote two entries. The first, being in March, as a test blog. :P The second, which I wrote just now tonight, isn't a test entry.


I post my blogs initially on my blog site, but if you're too lazy to click the link, I'll post it here, too. :P Then again, what's the point of me posting up my blog link when I post the blogs here? Oh well. I'll just do it either way.




August 17, 2012: What a Road I Am Walking On

Hello all. So lately, there's been a lot on my mind; the first day of school, my curiosity, how to grow a big enough of an audience that understands what I do, etc., etc., etc.


Right now I just want to cry. Not because I want to, but because I have to. I know most of you see me as a happy-go-lucky kind of guy, but there's more than what meets the eye. I've been through so much in my life, I'm asking myself, "Why the hell am I still alive?" I'm still looking for the answer. Just recently, I've been producing videos, also. I just never posted any links to them on Facebook because I fear you may see me as a different person. I know I may be jumping from subject to subject, but now you guys now how much is going through my mind to even stay on one topic.


For those I'll be seeing on the 27th, I look forward (and stressing) to seeing you and to either hug you, shake your hand, or maybe even both. Depends on how much I like you. I will be graduating in 2013 as well, so I am looking forward to ending such an era of my life. I don't know what I'm stressing about mostly, but I think it's mostly school. You know, basic questions like "Will that one asshole be in my class?", and "Will I see my awesome friend(s) in my class more than in the hallway?". I hope the answers are "No", and "yes". Especially with me being a person who is a self-diagnosed sufferer from depression, I really don't need the drama from my junior year (2011-2012). I'm looking forward to start fresh; to start anew! I've been keeping myself occupied with so much lately, I haven't been keeping track of the days, as I've been making the days count.


I know that some people that have been caring and curious about my plans after I graduate. Honestly, with my family still recovering from the financial screw-over, I don't see college on my road anytime soon. However, I've been interested in enough career choices to keep me semi-confident about how I'll be able to live on my own. There's video productions, culinary student, musician, poet, lyricist, author, and so much more that I'm interested, but those in specific. Which career route(s) will I end up at? This is something that only time will tell. I know this blog entry has been a bit lengthy, but if you managed to read the whole thing, then I do thank you for reading this sincerely.


Until then, see you guys later.

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