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Moving to Casablanca?


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Hi everyone!

I was recently offered an internship in Casablanca, Morocco. It is a very very good professional opportunity for me. But I have to confess I am a little bit scared.

I would like to know if any of you has ever been there and if you have any tips for me. As an European woman will it be easy for me to adapt? Is it safe for a young girl to walk around Casablanca alone?

And of course if there are any natives out there please let me know, I would love to hear some tips from you :)

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I've been to Agadir, Morocco for a day and I didn't really like it that much.

Being a white person I was kind of mobbed by all the market people to buy something from their stall or shop.

There where also weird rules about not taking photographs of official people (policemen or army)

and in non touristy areas you have to cover your shoulders and knees.


But I don't know it's probably alright if you get used to it. And I was only there a day so I can't really say too much about it.

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I've been to Agadir, Morocco for a day and I didn't really like it that much.

Being a white person I was kind of mobbed by all the market people to buy something from their stall or shop.

There where also weird rules about not taking photographs of official people (policemen or army)

and in non touristy areas you have to cover your shoulders and knees.


But I don't know it's probably alright if you get used to it. And I was only there a day so I can't really say too much about it.


Thanks for the reply :).

Yes I got almost the same reaction when I went to Turkey but it's part of a culture and it doesn't bother me thaaat much. They need to sell to live so it is ok. I'm actually more worried about the other shopping places (besides the typical markets), like when I need to buy European things for my house, like food, furniture or even clothes.

And about covering myself I usually wear trousers and I can always have some scarfs with me, so I think I'm going to be alright, right?


Also I forgot to mention: I speak a little French, is it enough? Because I know nothing of Arabic.

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