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TRY to listen to this

Cold RadioMuse

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Im initially disappointed because everytime a normal internet member of user here posts a link of their music I want to hear a singer and I NEVER dooo!


But uh, this is quite chilled, nice enough. Not a whole lot happens, as a guitar piece on its own, I dont think it can stand strong enough. It needs something more interesting.

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Like Reilly said, it's pleasant enough but it doesn't really hold my interest. Also the shaker or whatever that is is mixed way too high.


This isn't related to the song itself, but did you think about naming it something else? It's an instrumental song, you can name it anything you want, why would you settle for such a forgettable and mundane title like "Try"?

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first of all; its not done yet.

and yeah ive noticed the shakers way to high too.

I will fix that.


And the titler is far a way fro done.

I have just written something so I can see seperate all the songs on the album.

All this will be fied later.


But ill get going with the shaker.

And the song need maybe some sort of echo...

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