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UK Tour - Im there!


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Ive got seats at Manchester - after hoping in vain for old gent to buy us tickets for a cool european location. What I was wondering, its been sooooo long since I went to a big venue, if you get seats these days, do you actually have to remain seated or does everyone get up? In my day, places like Newcastly City Hall hosted big bands and it was all seating but everyone stood up anyway, gawd I hope me poor old legs can take it!

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Ive got seats at Manchester - after hoping in vain for old gent to buy us tickets for a cool european location. What I was wondering' date=' its been sooooo long since I went to a big venue, if you get seats these days, do you actually have to remain seated or does everyone get up? In my day, places like Newcastly City Hall hosted big bands and it was all seating but everyone stood up anyway, gawd I hope me poor old legs can take it![/quote']


It varies from venue to venue, and from concert to concert in my experience.................

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