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i want to see chris martin duet either with Micheal Jackson or Paul McCartney!


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WHat??? People call Chris UGLY???? NNNOOOOOO!!!!! I say we form a linch-mob!!!!


It's too bad about where MJ's career has gone over the last 15 years, but in all fairness, back in the 80s even I liked him...alot of ppl did who wouldn't admit to it now. I don't condone any of the crazy shit he's pulled lately,:confused: but admit it, people: Thriller is a good album...even if you don't like it, you have to admit it's well-crafted.



True - The Wall and Thriller were both great albums, but Wacko hasn't got close to reproducing that kind of quality since. I think the success went to his head somehow.

He started trying to be a "rock star" and then all those freaky things began to happen. He just completely lost touch with reality, which is a shame, but an indisputable fact!!;)

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Yes, all the time. People diss him quite a bit. I remember reading someone say Paltrow was stupid for leaving Brad Pitt for a ___________, like Chris. I've read that one too many times. It's stupid...and wtf does it have to do with music?


I think people can say what they want about Michael Jackson and his personal life, but as far as his career has gone...nothing he's put out even before Off the Wall or after Thriller has really failed. Not even his last album.


Not true. His last album "Invincible" flopped big time, and sucked hugely. It ended up in the "bargain bucket" section in double-quick time. And prior to that his albums had been getting more and more "MOR" and self-obsessed. He also started concentrating far too much on the "show" and not enough on the music.

I saw him in concert once and it was more like a circus then a music event. It was a huge disappointment.



I think they are all great artists. McCartney and Jackson alone have changed pop culture for good.


So has Elton John - but HE hasn't created anything good for years, either. It's as if all the energy has been sucked out of him.;)

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i don't want to argue with anyone.But want to say some things.

why we should care about ones personal lifes.It is completely private.There is nothing for it to do with the public life.And it is not right to diss some one comparing the things with the ones which have nothing to do with the meaningful ones.Public life like music shouldn't be compared with personal life.

It's odd.:thinking: And again dissing music comparing with personal life problems uhh......:\

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i don't want to argue with anyone.But want to say some things.

why we should care about ones personal lifes.It is completely private.There is nothing for it to do with the public life.And it is not right to diss some one comparing the things with the ones which have nothing to do with the meaningful ones.Public life like music shouldn't be compared with personal life.

It's odd.:thinking: And again dissing music comparing with personal life problems uhh......:\


I would be able to excuse Wacko's "freakiness" if it wasn't for the fact the quality of his music has deteriorated so much over the years............................... ;)

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Not true. His last album "Invincible" flopped big time, and sucked hugely. It ended up in the "bargain bucket" section in double-quick time. And prior to that his albums had been getting more and more "MOR" and self-obsessed. He also started concentrating far too much on the "show" and not enough on the music.

I saw him in concert once and it was more like a circus then a music event. It was a huge disappointment.





So has Elton John - but HE hasn't created anything good for years, either. It's as if all the energy has been sucked out of him.;)


Well firstly, Elton John is pretty old...wtf is he supposed to be doing at this point? :confused: It's doesn't matter of all three of them totally quit tomorrow. They still did. Typcially irrelevant artists don't do that.



Secondly, if any other artist today had released an album with the results that Michael's last album had, no one would have called it a flop. The two singles that were released charted in the Top 20, and the first single in the Top 10. No, it wasn't Thriller...but if it were anyone else...people would most definately be treating it differently. Some of the popular artists of today aren't even fairing as well as that on the charts, but no one is eating them alive for it.


Any article you see says, 'Jackson's last studio album sold 4 million as opposed to the 50 million his 1982 Thriller moved.'


How stupid is that. How many years did it take for Thriller to accumulate sales of this sort first of all and secondly...as if an album will ever sell that much again. Entire albums are on the internet sometimes months before their release.


When it comes to Michael Jackson these days there is alway a tendency for people to try and belittle everything. I'd give him credit. Despite all the bullshit about him and that's been said...he's been at it since he was 10. I'm not sure I can think of any other artist that's been around for that long that can still do even the little that people think Invincible did. Can you?


Every artist has his or her, or their peak. It's usually a pattern. They release some good albums, then...they release that one album that defines their career, usually sales wise. People either hail it as the best thing ever...or they accuse them of selling out. Then after that...sales decline and people start acting like they suck completely. After that, everyone looks to their older albums and hails anything after 'the old stuff' as garbage. (IE: See Coldplay)


Off the Wall is a great album, so is Thriller...but I think Thriller is overrated. It had huge sales yeah, but so do a lot of crappy albums too. I'm not saying it's a bad album, but that's my honest opinion. I think people love Thriller so much because of the nostalgic feeling it brings and because of how huge it was at the time. But musically, I don't think it's the best thing ever. It was a BIG album in all aspects, but I don't think bigger is better.


There is always, always a tedency for people to discredit anything he did after the Thriller album because after that it's when people decided he wasn't as cool. But Michael's albums have always been on the surface side of things...talking about love and whatever else pop singers usually sing about. Self-obsessed? I have all the albums. Bad has nothing of the sort, Dangerous has nothing of the sort, HIStory was an album about...well his story, it was almost a complete retaliation to everything that had been said about him until that point. It was spelled a certain way for a reason.


Invincible is probably the only album that would be called self-obsessed, given the title and some of the songs, but still...the theme was overcoming adversity. I'll agree with you that the album was very...not that good.


Every artist writes personal songs, even him. Songs about how they felt when this or that happened...or about overcoming adversity, which I guess he writes about often because he's always put in that situation. If that counts as being self-obsessed...well :dozey: . Before Invincible I can't think of any song where he hails himself as the best, mostly he just pleads with people to leave him the hell alone.


My favorite Michael Jackson songs don't come from either of his first two major albums. I think songs like, Stranger in Moscow, Who is It, and Earth Song are way better than anything on the Thriller album, people don't seem to know these songs. I'm a sucker for a good set of lyrics, and nothing on Thriller especially is anything to scream over lyrically.


Ahh whatever. I think both of the artists mentioned are great...despite anything and everything. You can't be THE BEST forever.

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i love bad,they don't care about us,billie jean,beat it,Thriller,Dirty diana,and more from Micheal Jackson's songs.Dirty Diana reminds me of princess Diana.

She is great!:)


I think "Bad" was a very appropriate title for that album, and marked the beginning of the end for Wacko. He seemed to suddenly regard himself as a "rocker", and that was an absolute joke!!:rolleyes:

I couldn't stand "Dirty Diana" - I think it was one of his worst songs ever.

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That is your opinion..but mine differs greatly!


Well in that case you're obviously a fan of his "cheesy" pop & rock era, which came after he'd "sold out" and forgotten his roots. Strangely enough, it coincided with the deterioration of his facial features!!;)

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whaha the third one I still don't agree just wait a couple of months and I'll answer that question :p But with the other three things you're certainly right ;)


Well believe me - I'm right on all counts!! With every album he released, he seemed to get more self-obsessed and detached from reality!!:rolleyes:

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I think that we've had enough MJ-bashing for a year or so... everyone has their opinions on him but, you know, i think it might be getting a bit heated and too insulting... how would all of you like it if ppl started coldplay-bashing when you were on a different artists fan site? probably wouldn't b 2 happy... so can't we just respect everyone's music taste and leave the "101 things that are wrong with michael jackson" list alone?


Now I feel like some UN person...

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I think that we've had enough MJ-bashing for a year or so... everyone has their opinions on him but, you know, i think it might be getting a bit heated and too insulting... how would all of you like it if ppl started coldplay-bashing when you were on a different artists fan site? probably wouldn't b 2 happy... so can't we just respect everyone's music taste and leave the "101 things that are wrong with michael jackson" list alone?


Now I feel like some UN person...


No - it's Wacko Jacko who's an "un"-person!!:P

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For example, "Heal The World" just has to be one of the most excruciatingly cheesy songs ever made. Yuk!!:P

And as for "I Just Can't Stop Loving You"..................... talk about sick-in-a-bucket!!:rolleyes:




Whahahahha :p

I just can't stop loving you is from Phil Collins :p Or is that another song :p

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