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For anyone who doesnt know where is Chile, is a country located in South America, besides Argentina, above Pery close to Brazil and in front of Australia ( very far anyway) I should say, and not because Im Chilean , that my country is rea beauty, we are so aislated that more than half of the plants and animals are endemic ( only in Chile) and the weather is so different from North to South that we have the hottest desert in the north and beautifull glacuiars and forest in the south. We have great place for skiing and a snowboard mundial is made in here and we have a small population. I have to admit that my country is a great place for holidays, and the wine is excellent and the food too and people is very naive, and you are always the smart one because Chileans always say "We understand" but not always they do ( I was taught that in economy :lol: )........... What a great description, I should work for an agency......... :lol: :D :D

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I mean seriously.......... Ill be, especting this summer, biking throgh the South and then the North of Chile, bcause I wanna cross Asia in my bike......... well and the Africa, but Im looking foward for my partner and my money provider :lol:

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Well is First Chile, then Russian and the ex URRS + Israel and my duty there. Then Sfrica and then Canada ( starting from BC and finishing at Nova Scotland) and then the USA............... and still 4 years to turn 18 and to prepair me for my jornay!

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Of Course, I have spare time!! I have to include more dates, see what my parents say ( for my money ) and wait for my friend to come with me........ I can travel through Chile this summer or the next, it depends on our training and practise ( Ive never been camping, so I have to practise, just in case) :lol:

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