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goddam i always miss the best bits


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Is there any chance of u making that non-album track available again pleeeeeease? I missed it first time around :cry:


And im sure lots of other people would wub u lots for it!


specially your ladies fan club :shock:


*i hate typos!* :evil:

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It's not THAT scary on the official one - most people are lovely :D I am an awfully nice person :roll: :lol:


that you are *creep* i don't think it's scary either. there's just a few nutters that talk crap every so often but steer clear of them and you'll be fine! :D

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it doesnt seem too bad a place really but I do feel bad talking about mp3s and stuff on official boards - it just feels wrong


having said that i am a true music fan and I ALWAYS buy original cds to music I love - ill never be a cd burning whore - except where live music is concerned - more bands should release live albums then i wouldnt find the need to hunt for recordings all the time!



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I try not to do file sharing programs as a matter of course. Mainly because they are windows to hacking opportunities and I value my comp too much for that.


*hugs comp* :D


What we really need is someone who could run an FTP. That wubbly person may become me 8) Lets just say im looking into it at the moment and if all goes to plan you peeps will be the first to know! :shock:

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