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Meet Osborne... the squeeeeeeeeeeeemu who was destined to be an omelette!


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Meet Osborne... the emu who was destined to be an omelette


By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 12:02 PM on 05th June 2008


Emu eggs may be rather an unusual delicacy but what's more even surprising is one intended for the dinner table hatches.

Osborne the emu emerged from the shell after the egg was bought as a novelty food item.


Gillian Stone, from Bexhill, Sussex, who breeds chickens, bought three large green emu eggs from a farm while on holiday in the the Isle of Wight.


article-1024394-017ED26000000578-216_468x286.jpg Lucky escape: Osborne nearly ended up on the dinner table

On returning home she decided to put them in an incubator in her kitchen to see what happened.

Two turned out to be infertile, but after 52 days little Osborne hatched.

He needed to be hand fed at first, but at nine days old he is now thriving and Ms Stone is hoping to get him a mate.



article-1024394-017ED4E400000578-771_468x286.jpg Gillian Stone holds up an emu egg

We decided to risk putting the eggs in the incubator and, after a little bit of help Osborne arrived,' she said.


'He was destined to be an omelette but now he's an emu.'

Osborne will grow to over 6ft tall and will soon move from Ms Stone's home to her smallholding nearby.



article-1024394-017ED1D900000578-287_468x286.jpg Cute: Osborne may be small now but he will grow to 6ft


Family friend Jenny Cosham said nothing Ms Stone did surprised her.


'She turns up with all sorts of things,' she said.


'We've had chicks, we've had lambs, we've had all sorts - there was even a duck in the shower once.'

Emu eggs weigh around 1lb 4oz - 12 times the size of a chicken's egg. They can be eaten fried, scrambled or baked.



article-1024394-017ED52D00000578-604_468x286.jpg Chicken breeder Gillian Stone decided to incubate the egg

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  • 3 weeks later...
As it happens, I actually keep the incubator in the spare bedroom. The kitchen comment was for the benefit of the telly people! Osborne the Emu is doing very well and has a new emu girlfriend, Mallory.


Regards Gillian Stone


How can we be sure you're the real Gillian Stone??:rolleyes:

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