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If you like Coldplay, you'll like Headway!


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Hello there fellow coldplay fans :). I have a band for you all to have a listen to. They're called Headway; they're a 5-piece band from Nottingham who have an EP out on iTunes at the moment. Go and have a listen and see if you like them!:D



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omg you seriously like that song? :stunned: i mean, even if you said "to dance to", you said it's "a great song" ;D ... somehow i didn't expect that. blah, anyway ;D

well but it's a classic without any doubt, reminds me of the time when i was a kid^^

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omg you seriously like that song? :stunned: i mean, even if you said "to dance to", you said it's "a great song" ;D ... somehow i didn't expect that. blah, anyway ;D

well but it's a classic without any doubt, reminds me of the time when i was a kid^^


When I was DJing, it was one of the songs which always got the best reaction.;)

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