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rudy_o thread


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You'll be scarred forever!!!

Just finished it.



I really didn't think it was that bad. She has an amazing voice and I couldn't believe some of those notes she was hitting with such strength. She has a very strong voice and that video proves it.


That being said, she did go a little over the top at some parts, but it was clear she really likes the song and wanted to put a ton of emotion into it. Overall, not that bad. Snow Patrol's is better but it was a damn good cover.:)

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I was wondering why you were saying she was terrible



Yea, I agree with you though, Avril Lavigne did sound AWFUL covering The Scientist:\



Leona has a good voice... Some of her songs are alright, but they aren't something I listen to a lot.

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I was wondering why you were saying she was terrible



Yea, I agree with you though, Avril Lavigne did sound AWFUL covering The Scientist:\


Hahhahaahah when u said that the cover was good I though u meant The Scientist I got confused also!!:laugh3::laugh3::laugh3:

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