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Hi guys!! I wonder if anyone can help me with this problem!! I currently use Azureus(Vuze) torrent downloading client and previously everything was fine when I was with a previous ISP(Tiscali), but now I am with Sky Broadband, now all the settings on my Vuze is f........d up!! For everything to be working fine the setting on Vuze has to show NAT OK, but it constantly shows FIREWALLED now and i have done everything to turn my computers firewall settings off!! A freind of mine about a year ago linked to my computer and altered all my firewall settings and even settings on my old ISPs modem/router, so that my Vuze would show NAT OK, but now i just dont know what to do on my new ISPs modem/router or even Vuzes settings or my computer settings!!


Can anyone help me in this cos downloading torrents takes me forever now!!!



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You`ll have to look up your routers firewall and your pcs firewalls manuals or google for a guide on setting them up for Bittorrent - each manufacturer will have different settings for what you want (I think its Port Forwarding and all that sort of thing) . You also might find that Sky (as Tiscali does) throttles Bittorrent traffic (again google for info) at certain times . I know 100% for definite the guides are out there as I used one to set mine up .


Dont take this the wrong way , but if you need help , you also need to put all info in the post , modem manufacturer , PC firewall etc .

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I cant find all the serial numbers on the broadband modem/router(well I can, but the numbers and everything is all too small for me to read!!LOL) but theres a pic of it in this link!!


maybe you can help me search for the numbers!!


When I installed Sky Broadband it came with McAfee AV and Security Center and I have Windows XP Professional, if that helps!!!:D:D:D

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You missed my point about Googling sorry , you`re the one who`ll have all the settings to his fingertips , linking me to the manual won`t help , to sort it , I`d need to be in front of your PC with access to your router and PCs firewall (as your friend did by remote access) - there are just to many variables otherwise (especially if you have adjusted settings on Vuze as well) .


My point about mentioning the make of things was a general one for getting help , not so much for this issue .


Google your routers make , with the words (or variants of) - router , sky , guide , help , bittorrent , firewall , nat .

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First thing I`d try though is uninstalling Vuze and then reinstalling it . If that doesnt work , then uninstall Vuze and try something like utorrent , as I recall when I last used Vuze it gave me firewall problems (cant recall what happened , apart from Vuze locking up on me as well) , so I use utorrent .

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Maybe somebody can tell me the reason why since I've downloaded a Torrent site (forum) I've got unwanted websites that pop up on my screen. I've tried to get rid of them but them come back nevertheless. I'm now careful what i download. Thank's in advance for the tip.

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