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My friends are insane...


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So my friends and I were driving out of Azusa Canyon at night, and one of them explained to me why there were cars parked along the road... :stunned: :blush: :lol: So I mentioned that a friend of a friend used to take it upon himself to be the "Purity Police"... Which basically meant that he and his friends (probably inebriated) would go to lovers' lane sort of places, flash lights into the car windows, shout, and generally scare the hell out of the distracted occupants. Unfortunately, my friends took the idea to heart. We stopped at every single parked car and honked, yelled, and flashed the headlights. One guy was sitting on his car alone (I presume he was stargazing), so my friends all booed. We were almost in a crash at one point, cos we tried to turn and go back to one car, but another car came racing up the road and we were forced to burn some rubber. :o And did I mention the driver doesn't have his license yet? :rolleyes:


Sorry, I just wanted to share that. :)

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You know, in my defense, I honestly did not think my friends would actually do anything. :/ I just mentioned it, and their faces lit up. It seems that I deeply underestimated their mischief potential. The whole drive down I was afraid we were either going to end up going off a cliff or have someone come after us. Or both. I just sat in the front seat, gripping the dashboard for dear life. :o Hopefully they don't intend to make a habit of this. :stunned:

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