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.R!CH. x Colplay: Viva La B.A.C.K Pak (info + track dls inside)


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What up Coldplaying.com. My name is .R!CH. I'm a producer and rapper. I started work on a beat tape sampling only coldplay entitled "viva la b.a.c.k. pak". Since i was sampling from one artists and i wanted this to be as good as possible, i decided that the best place to go for feedback and to know if i did the tracks justice would be a fan forum for coldplay


The title is a mix between Viva la Vida & B.A.C.K (The name of my band Broke Ass College Kids). Though this is a beat tape, there will be a few interludes with band members introducing themselves plus the worlds first taste of our music as a bonus track.


In this thread i will be posting info as well as snippets of tracks.


Keep an open mind


Release Date



Songs Being Sampled

*= Maybe Used

Don't Panic






High Speed

Everything's Not Lost

*Prospekt's March

*Lovers in Japan


*In My Place

God Put a Smile Upon Your Face

The Scientist



*A Whisper

*A Rush of Blood to the Head




Viva la Vida

Violet Hill

*Strawberry Swing

*Square One

What if

White Shadows

Fix You



*Speed of Sound


*Swallowed in the Sea

*Twisted Logic


Completed Songs/Snippets




Clocks (Snippet)



Everything's Not Lost (Snippet)



White Shadows (Snippet)



God Put A Smile Upon Your Face





I need a cover for this project. I need it to be simple but awesome.

Just like this one


Except instead of Vida, it needs to say B.A.C.K. Pak

and at the top it needs to say .R!CH. x Coldplay in albertus font

And the splatter looks sick. I think levi brush is a pretty similar font.


idk. but if anyone could hook me up, i'd be extremely grateful



Talk about it

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I just don't know ...

I'm not hating or anything, but your stuff sounds unmastered, the drums - in my opinion - don't fit to the track.

The idea is a great one (see "Viva La Hova"), but this isn't the style of beats I like ...


I'm a kind of producer / remixer myself, so I could be too hard with my "review".

But I'll listen to the new stuff coming, I guess it's a matter of beat-liking or disliking and like I said, it's not my taste ...

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Do you need the cover digital? and how big? Some of us graphic people could probably make one for you, unless you needed it professionally done. Also, if its commercially released you might have to pay a license for the Levi brush font, or get permission. As t othe songs, not exactly my taste, but pretty cool.

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