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Audacity doesnt rip , it re-records the audio - ie downgrades it . If you want to rip the original you need tools like Packet Sniffers and downloading tools or all-in-one programs or you accept a downgraded copy of a poor quality streaming file - its your choice .


If you want to really "rip" , then Google with words like "stream , rip , capture , download , tool" etc . I`ll briefly touch the subject of protocols - different types of stream use different protocols (languages if you like) , different rippers can interpret and download different protocols . If you want to know how to rip from a certain site then Google something like "how do I rip from XXXX" , there are various sites / forums that give specific advice on ripping from certain sites .


The relative recent introduction of the RTSP / RTMP protocols which the BBC use are a pain in the butt to rip from , the ripped files are FLV , but the FLV is just a wrapper for MP3s usually - to extract you need another tool .


Doing it with Freeware is a pain in the arse (which is what the above writing is for), but if you want to spend money then the Replay Media Catcher software is one that works .

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