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Visitors to World War Two-themed weekend banned from wearing Hitler costumes


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Visitors to World War Two-themed weekend banned from wearing Hitler costumes


By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 7:44 PM on 28th June 2009



Visitors to a railway attraction's Second World War-themed weekend were banned from dressing up as Hitler or SS officers.


They were invited to don 1940s-style clothes, both British and German, for Severn Valley Railway's re-enactment yesterday and today.


But the Swastika, Nazi uniforms and Hitler impersonations were barred from the popular tourist draw in Worcestershire because organisers feared they would cause offence.


article-1196121-05845DCF000005DC-483_468x286.jpg 'Don't mention the Germans': Visitors to a war-time 1940s weekend have been banned from wearing SS uniforms or turning up dressed as Hitler. Christine Smith, left, and Patricia Walmsley, right, don stylish 1940s headgear



article-1196121-05845DA7000005DC-721_468x348.jpg Sticking to the rules: Major Harry Bodkin from the US Transport Corps steered clear from a costume that could 'cause offence'



The ban was introduced after someone turned up at a previous re-enactment dressed as the Fuhrer.


Organiser Steve Fulcher said: "The public like to see both sides of the re-enactment and we do have people dressed in the uniforms of German soldiers.


"But there were some pretty nasty things that went on in that war and we didn't want to cause offence to anybody who could still be offended by what happened."

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There is no such thing as "public" property except in a statist society, where the government takes full control of some land and claims a nonexistent "right" to rule over all of it. Then we get into pesky debates about what rules we should impose on people who set foot on government land (as if we owned that land).


If all property were private we wouldn't have this shit problem.

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How can you tell if a religion is official or not? Does it have to feature a righteous zombie Jew?


The Jedi Religion and How to Start A Religion


by Leora on November 21st, 2006

story.jedi.afp.jpgThe other day I was trying to help my husband look for paper topic ideas and searched google news for "Human Rights" and "International Law" and this article came up about Jedi Knights asking the UN for more right seeing as they’re the 4th largest religion in the UK. Did you know that 400000 people wrote down Jedi Knight as their religion on the last UK census? How cute!

Last week, two self-proclaimed Jedi Knights appealed to the United Nations to recognize their faith as an official religion and accordingly rename the International Day for Tolerance to Interstellar Day of Tolerance.

The petition from Britons John Wilkinson and Charlotte Law, who call themselves Umada and Yunyun, comes after a 2001 British census recorded 400,000 people who "practice" the Jedi faith.

And if Jedis can get recognized as a religion, why not Leoraism? Here’s how to start your own religion:


Here are some basics to starting a new religion and recruiting others who believe the Force is with you, even without the help of a blockbuster film.

Some divine intervention

In their book, "Theory of Religion," Rodney Stark and W.S. Bainbridge identify four primary inspirations for founding a new religion:

The Psychopathological: Religion inspired by a period of severe stress in the life of the founder. The founder endures psychological problems, which are resolved thanks to the founding of the religion.

The Social: Religion founded because members of a group spend increasingly less time with outsiders, and increasingly more time with each other. Such reclusive behavior will naturally inspire a new theology and ritual.

The Normal: Religion inspired by the interpretation of the pedestrian as supernatural. For instance, remember how your shrink told you that you were schizophrenic? Well, maybe you really did hear those voices.

The Entrepreneurial: Religion inspired by the desire to develop new ideas and sell them to the increasingly disenchanted faithful. According to this model, founders take ideas from the pre-existing religions, and try to improve on them to make them more appealing to the religious consumer.

Construct a shrine

Once you’ve reached that epiphany, it is time to crystallize that sense of Enlightenment into an asylum for worship.

Dan Frydman, a 16-year-old high school student in London, has erected a shrine to John Lennon in his bedroom. "It’s not like a giant sculpture or anything. It’s just a lot of crap all over the walls… like posters and records, you know."

While Frydman believes the deceased Beatle is the greatest songwriter ever, he is not a fundamentalist Lennonist. "I would never force anyone to believe that," he said.

In terms of making the shrine functional, Frydman was inspired by the film, "Almost Famous." In an attempt to see the future, he spun The Who record, "Tommy," drew the curtains, lit a candle, and lied down on the floor underneath his shrine and "saw a flash there."


All viable religions are equipped with physical manifestations of divinity available for purchase. How else are you supposed to afford to buy all the gold and posters for your shrine?

For some inspiration, we asked the good people at Aahs, a popular novelty store in Los Angeles, California."We do have the Jesus action figure, Jesus with nunchucks, and the Jesus bobble-head," said store cashier Johnny Alvarez. They also stock a Jesus magic eight-ball. Other Aahs hot-sellers included various saints to protect your cats, your computer, or to guard against a hangover.

Your religion may want to engrave some shot glasses, snow globes, or key chains to sell in the shrine’s gift shop.

Talk to your lawyers

New religions appear all the time. "The Encyclopedia of Cults, Sects, and New Religions," edited by James R. Lewis, identifies everything from the Aaronic Order to Zoroastrianism. But for legitimacy, you’ll probably need to register somewhere beyond a book.

Belarus is unlikely to be a good home. In October 2002, the national government there passed a law stating that all religious groups that were not registered in 1982 would be prohibited from consideration as a "religious association" — the legal status required for publishing literature or administering any charities or schools.

Not that the United Nations proved anymore supportive in response to the Jedis’ proposal. "The UN is not in the business of certifying religions," said UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric. "With or without light sabers."

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That's bollocks. It's just cos loads of people put it in the sensus and have a sense of humour


Sounds like a rather intolerant comment to me. The Jedi will be up in light sabres when they get wind of this........................... :rolleyes:

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