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Lebanese Coldplay fans?!


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hehe eh!:lol: bass bijibo ma3oun chi tayyib, fa 2ahla w sa7la fiyou!:cheesy:


kenet 3am bemza7! wlw!


ma nkasar 2albe la2anno heik 2elte




hehe eh 2akid 3am temza7e, lech btestarje ma tkoune 3am temza7e? bda3ousik!

eh, t3allameit l dares la2anno henne akalo pizza w medre chou w medre chou w gateau w bouza w ana t3acheit tartine Picon.:blank:


:awesome: bet3a22id 2amistik!!!


chefte l ta2es kif ken lyom? ana b hal ta2es b7ebb rou7 al ba7er, kenit kell mawje 2add l bineye betgharri2!! ma b7ayete tsalleit add ma tsalleit lyom! kenet ghre2et chi 100 marra bass yaweike chou 7elo bass ykoun l ta2es heik w l ba7er 3ale 3ale 3ale!!! ba3dein 2a3adet chi se3tein bel piscine ta trou7 l may l mel7a men 3oyoune.:wacky:

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bda3ousik! :lol: hahahahahaha ok khallas...

fakreh positive: mmmmm... AH EH!! 2enteh 2elteh 2ennik nos7aneh w 3am tekhdeh kortisone fa lezim ted3afeh fa ma lezim tet3acheh ktir!! :D



Merciiiiiieee fi menna 3and l BHV bass ktir ghalyeh 2ana jebta bel solde ya3neh hala2 (2abel ma sefir)




2ana ba3ed ma re7et 3al ba7er walla marra! :(

wen bet rou7o 2ento?

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eh ma3ik ha2, mni7 2enne 2akalet picon laken!


badde we7dee!!! kell l balad 3emil sale halla2.:shrug:


kell marra mnenzal 3a ba7er chi, 7elo heik mnobroum l balad! mbei7 kenn b Jbeil b matra7 2esmo Port Antonio, 7elo la2anno zghir w ndif w ma fi 3aj2a: 2anja2 ken fi chi 25 personnes 3al piscine maximum w 3al ba7er ma ken fo 7ada. 2ento wein btenzalo?

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batal ktir mni7 bass l lagon sar ktir wosikh l ba7er 3ando, hadik l seneh hek chefet bass ma ba3rif 2eza rej3o zabatou l seneh.




Miamiiiiii... 2ana badeh gateau!!!! Akid ra7 yizbat, l mouhem yinfokh w ma yi7teri2 l be2eh 2eza 3emleh metel l recette byimcheh l 7al :P

B7essik btotobkheh ktir mni7 metleh, ma ba3rif lech. :thinking:

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eh kel ma 2ousal men l madrasseh 2eza ma fi chi lal 2akel befta7 hal kteb w bballich 2aw bekhedon men l internet. :D



2ana kamen bi zet l 2ouda ma3 khayeh ktir sa2aleh ma fineh 2a3mol decoration 2aw chi ktir sa2aleh.

2ana khayeh ma byi23od bel bet fa kel l wa2et l 2ousa wa7deh bass bel lel ma fineh 2a3mol dajeh w marrat bi koun 3andeh f7ousat byijeh bi ballich yi chankhir :angry: bjen 3aleh! marra fete nemet bel salon :blank:

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SUCCESS!! ZABAT! i feel so proud of myself.:smug: :P

hehe ma kenet metkheyletik heik, leik ma 2aslabik!:awesome:


kebbilo may msa23a 3a wejjo! ma3ik 7a22 3an 2enno ma fike ta3emle wala decoration wala chi.

ana w Anny zet l machekil, w kamen 2enno ana bo2ra bel leil w badde daw w hiyye badda tnem 3al 3atem, aw 2enno hiye btesma3 musique bet2arrif 3a sot 3ale, w wa2ta yejo 2as7aba bte23oud ma3oun bel 2ouda w ana benzerib barra. hehe ya ma neyme bel salon aw 3al balcon.

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------>drum rolls<---------


Ingernieur du son.


Bi concerts barkeh ba3mela barrat Lebnen, bass bi 2oulo bi Lebnen ma fi ktir menna w bet le2eh ktir cheghel (3a 2ellit l 7aflet...)

Bass 3am fakkir 2edressa bi France w 2erja3 2echteril hon, 2aw kamil bi honik 2aw bil UK... ma ba3rif bass ma bfakkir 2enno bedressa hon la2an 2eza badeh 2a3mela hon badeh fout bel USG 3and l jesuites w ma ktir byifroz rasseh 3aleyon w bi Fr. beftekir bet koun 2a7san... (ma 3andeh fekra sara7a).


Bass 2enno... ingenieur du son... la2an b7eb l music ktir w bde2 guitare w kel chi, khallas.

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betdallik 3am ta2emle chi b3ichtik akta menne.


:awesome: ktir ktir ktir 7elo! nchalla nchalla ta3emliya!! lezim ta3mele SG mech heik? ya2alla nbasattellik add l dene!!!:blush: w eh sefre 2ou3a tfakkre tdalle hone. Barra kell chi 2ahyan, l transport, l dares, l societe...kell chi 2ahyan w 2a7la w we7yeit l 3adra nbasattelik add l dene.:heart:

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Sad2ineh tnaynetna 2adrab men ba3ed.



Merciiiiiiiiiiiee :heart:

Bass ma beftekkir bet7amal 3ich ktir wa2et barrat Lebnen... Bass ktir b7ess salbeh...

3am fakkir fout SV chou ma sar yi sir la2an l mouhem jib 2aktar men 12 3al physique, ma beftekir bet 2assir ktir, ma b7eb ktir l maths mechen hek bfaddil SV.

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la2a we7yetik!


Micha ana metlik zet l chi, heik kenet 2oul, 2enno ma bet7ammal 3ich barrat lebnen bass wa2ta kenet metlik, ba3dik m3awwade 3a jaw l madrase w l manta2a 3enna, l kell metel ba3ed w ma 7ada gharib, w fi kell chi 7addik, ba3ed ma betrou7e 3al tor2at la7alik ta tchoufe l 2araf, BEKRAH 2etna2all bus adm ma jayye w 2araf bass ma fine 2a3mil chi w law ma3e siyyera ma kenet sta3malta la2anno ma bet7ammal l swe2a bel 3aj2a wel shob, ba3ed ma fette 3a jaww l jem3a matra7 ma kell wa7ad ma bta3erfe men wein jeye. Ka2anno culture shock ken wa2ta fetet ana 3al jem3a, yemkin la2anno l jem3a l lebneniye but still. 2a7sanlik tfelle. yret law be2dir fell. Akid ma ba3rif chou barra w yemkin bass fell ysir badde 2erja3 bass 2a7sabe yalle barre mabsoutin ktir, 2al kell chi 2ahyan w lebnen mech balad yet3allamo fy. allah bya3rif chou baddo ysir ba3dein bass 3am 2ellik ra2ye.

hehe 3anjadd 2net metle zet l chi, ana heik ma b7ebb l maths, ma bos2out bass fi bass ma b7ebbo. akid betjibe aktar men 12 3al physique, ktir hayyin (ma3 2enno houwe zeto 3an l SG ma 3ada 2 chapitres zyede 3endoun).

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Ma ba3rif barkeh ma3keh 7a2, bass mech nezleh 3a metro Paris ta tchoufeh l 2araf, kel 3m fi baz2a, w 3elkeh, bass masalan Seville (Spain) ktiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrr ndif ka2anik feyteh 3a chi mestachfa, bass ma3keh 3a 2osit l bus 100% w l 3aj2a w kel chi.

W kamen Lebnen 2a7san bi chaghrleh we7deh 2enno fikeh tedhareh l se3a 11 la ta7et l bet tjibeh chi men l deken ma 7ada bi de2 fikeh. Bi Paris ken badna nrou7 (2ana w chi benten w sabeh) ta nrou7 nekol 7ad l hotel, l se3a 11, byijeh bi 2elna l receptionniste:"Je ne vous laisserai pas sortir sans un adulte, parce qu'a cette heure c'est tres dangereux" w ken ma3o 7a2 la2an kamen, kenna rej3in men l champs elysee 3al hotel macheh (d3ofet chi 3 kilo wa2ta :P )

khefna 7ayetna sorna nemcheh raked...


Hala2 2ana b2oul bsefir bet3alam honik w 2eza ble2eh cheghel w kel chi bdalneh bass 2enno bdalneh 2ejeh 3a Lebnen men wa2et la wa2et hay l fekra...

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la2 mech cheyfe l metro, wa2ta re7na ma be3te2id nzelna 3le! Bass 2enno 2addech baddo ykoun mejwe? aw khotir? kenna metna chi 100 marra bel bus, la2anno ya byemche 2abta2 men l tortue aw byesra3 metel chou, bala ma ne7ke 3an 2enno bikoun farit manzou3 add ma fi supervision 3alyoun men l dawle w bidallo yazbtou w heik, wala marra n2ata3 aw we2if b noss l tari2 aw khefna 2enno yofrout howe w meche aw bajj chi bel moteur w metna ra3be, la2! Micha mechkelit l metro ma chi la2anno fike t3iche bel dorms aw chi w bass teta3mle transport public wa2ta baddik tba3de 3an l jem3a, mech metel hone ma fike tet7arrake!

hehe 3am betkhaylkoun rekdin 3al hotel kheyfin :lol: hehe. khabriyyit l securite betkhawwiff bass chou baddik ta3emle? ya7enne l nes 3eychin!


eh 2a7san chi metel ma 2elte bel ekhir!

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Ma3keh 7a2, teneh l bus bi Lebnen men 2awal sabab lal 3aj2a 3al autostrade!!!

Te3tir, teneh chi ma bi nazmouwa, honik majbour yi wa2if 3al stop, w byimcheh 3a ligne la 2elo bass.


Eh hek ba3rif re7na 2ana w 2emeh metro 3a 2ekhir Paris, 2abel l banlieue, 3al madineh l jdideh, ma 7assayna bel massefeh.


2ana 3am be7keh securitee mech taba3 l ser, taba3 l 3alam honik... kello maghrebiyeh bya3mlo machekil w bi waskho l madineh. Bi Seville kellon men Espania w choufeh l metro chou ndif, Paris te3tir teneh chi honik kellon nechelin kel takeh men chouf wa7ad la2tino l police...


Bass l ser bayn hon w honik ma fi nesbeh!!! Hon te3tir...

Ka 3icheh bel madrasseh hon 2a7san, bass jemm3a 2akid honik!!!!!

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eh, w honik kamen 2loun wa2et l bus kell chi 15 minutes aw 7asab mech metel hone marrat byo2ta3o 4 buset wara ba3ed w 3a chi se3a ma byemrou2 wala bus w btente23e natra bel chames la ken 2eja wa7ad w btousale m2akhra 3a fa7sik w byesef2ik l docteur ja2ra ma btefham.:nod:


eh fhemet 2enno azdik l securite wel l crimes, bass 2enno ma fike ta3emle chi 8eir tentebhe!


hehe eh ma3ik 7a2.

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