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Lebanese Coldplay fans?!


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eh 7abbayta ktiiir!!:awesome:

"Baby says she's dying to meet you...", lezim 2esma3 2osas heik aktar!

ma3ik 7a2 3an l guitarist:wideeyed: Matt Bellamy khallene ysir 3ende appreciation aktar lal guitar, ktir salbeh hone! medre kif bikhally wa2ta chorus yensama3 gheir sot, ka2anno 3am yesta3il gheir guitar 3an be2e l ghenniye.:thinking: 7elo!

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YEEEEEEEEEEYYY bi yawmen soret sem3eta chi 30 fois!

Tab ma rou7eh t3allameh guitar!! yallaaaaaa hala2!!! mazel ma 3andik chi ta3mli, 3ameleh acoustic 2eza ma badik electric.


Byista3mol chi 3 effects ma3 ba3ed ta yitla3 l sot hek 2aw 2, ma ba3rif, bass ba3rif 2enno btetla3 l note double ma3 delai 2asir bayn 2awal tal3a w l tenyeh... ba3rif 2enno ma fhemteh chi bass 2enno.



Fi charleh b7eba bi Matt, metlik 2enno bi de2 ktiiiiiir mni7 guitar! Bi 3a2id kif bi de2... :wideeyed:

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YEEEEEEEEEEYYY bi yawmen soret sem3eta chi 30 fois!

Tab ma rou7eh t3allameh guitar!! yallaaaaaa hala2!!! mazel ma 3andik chi ta3mli, 3ameleh acoustic 2eza ma badik electric.


Byista3mol chi 3 effects ma3 ba3ed ta yitla3 l sot hek 2aw 2, ma ba3rif, bass ba3rif 2enno btetla3 l note double ma3 delai 2asir bayn 2awal tal3a w l tenyeh... ba3rif 2enno ma fhemteh chi bass 2enno.



Fi charleh b7eba bi Matt, metlik 2enno bi de2 ktiiiiiir mni7 guitar! Bi 3a2id kif bi de2... :wideeyed:

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eh bet3a2id!:awesome:

3abele bass ma ba3rif lech ma bestarje, 7esse 2enno ma ra7 2a3rif aw chi heik!


ouff malla explication! hehe leik 2ente kif betfhame fyoun 3al 2khir!:heart: bravo!


eh bi3a22id!! fi ghenniye bye3dir yde2ella l riff taba3a wel guitar wara dahro, w chi 100 we7de houwe w 7atit l guitar 3a raso! w bide22 piano bi chakel! rou7e 3a youtoube sma3e Exogenesis Symphony kella, hiyye 3 parts sma3iya kella w 2ekhir partie 2aktar chi w 2elile 2eddech 7abbayty!


3refte 2ekhir khabriye? toli3 ma3e social anxiety.:nod:

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2ana hek bel 2awal fakkaret 2enno barkeh ma 2a3rif de2 2aw chi bass 2eza 2estezik mni7 w bi da7ik ktir btonbosteh bel 2awal chouway sa3beh w bet zahi2, bass bel 2eme w 3eme cours ktir btetsalleh.


Hala2 bchoufon... :wideeyed:



"social anxiety" Minouweh l jadbeh yalli 2allik hek?!?!?!?!?!



Ma ba3rif 2eza lezim jib iPod Nano l jdid 2aw Ipod touch?

(la noel :blank: -> chefteh bi chou beleh 2ana... 2al 2enteh 2enteh 3andik social anxiety.)

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haha lech 2estezik bida77ik?:lol: 3abele ballich, l jem3a la octobre ta tatballich w ma badde 2echte8il halla2, fa ma3e chahrein ma 2a3mil chi....eh barkeh, boukra bkhabrik chou 2araret.




umm, sar machkal kbir be l beit, w metel l 3ade toli3 ma3oun l 7a22 3laye:shifty: 2emit mama 2arrait tekhedne 3end psychologue w heik toli3 ma3a, 2al lezim rou7 la3anda ba3ed medre kam marra bass ana ma badde, 2eltella 2eh 7atta teskout w hala2 ma ba3rif chou ra7 2a3mil. bta3erfe chou badde? badde battil 3eyche ma3 2ahle w 2okhwete w bass!!!


ANA BADDE IPOD!!:cheesy: eza baddik tdallik tefta7e internet jibeh l touch eza la2 nano, ana ma b7ebb l touch badde nano.:wacky:

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Houweh ma ktiiiiiiiir bi da7ik... nekato beykhin bass 2enno salbeh, 2esmo Chedid Elias (bel USEK) ktir bi 3alim mni7 houweh w Habib (moderne w electrique) w Jad Hderi (byi2rab 2emmeh ken yi 3alim khayeh w ktir salbeh)



Ma bti2 l 3alam l psychologue b7esson 2abhal cha3eb rabna... bi jarbo yifhamo 3a2letik w 2osas. Byijeh 3a beleh khabeton 2enno 7ELLO 3AN TI***!!!! MIN TALAB MENKON CHI? sfe2iya kafen teneh marra 2oulila haydeh men rfi2teh t3arafet 3aleya 3ala forum la band, w hiyeh men l ref2a l ktaaaaaaaaaaaaarrr yalli 3andeh yehon 3a kaza sites w t3arafet 3aleyon wa7deh ce qui fait 2enneh na3am w nos social w barkeh 2aktar mennik... la2an ma fi gher l 3alam yalli 3andon social anxiety yalli bi siro metlik psychologue, bi kouno hebel la yom l habal so kel chi bya3mlou bi jarbo yifhamo l 3alam, teneh chi 2oulila trou7 tballit l ba7er.

Fi 3alam ktir metlik w metleh w 2adrab bi ktir naja7o bi 7ayeton: Laura Marling. W 7atta Chris Martin ken 2akbar nerd bel 3alam w hala2 sar 2aktar zalameh cool khala2o l terikh.


Teneh chi fouteh la 3anda w tda7akeh 3alleya --------> sarcasm <-------- hek 3alam ma byistehalo 2ella hek... w ma 3andik social anxiety 2ou3a tsad2eh, law ken 3andik ma kenteh 3am te7kineh hala2 kenteh social anxious la darajeh 2enno ma btestarjeh tfouteh te7keh ma3 3alam 3ala forum w ma ken byitla3lik followers 3a tumblr 2eza ma kenteh bet 3a2deh... fa fiya tekol du caca *sorry 3al kalem l wosikh bass hek 3alam badon ba3ed 2aktar*


Nabcheh 3a cheghel... hek bi sir fikeh toherbeh men l bet! W se3eta bi sir 3andik ref2a bel cheghel, baddik trou7eh ta3mleh ma3on 2osas "social" w todharo w hek, bass LA2 FA2SSEH!!! bi batil fikeh trou7eh 3and Madame "je sais tout se tout le monde"



ma kenet 3am fakkir 2enno 3andeh cell fiyo apps(barkeh mech mne7 2ad taba3 l touch bass 2enno ca va) w ma ra7 2esta3mlo 2ella lal musique w badeh 2ekhdo ma3eh w hek fa ra7 jib l nano l jdid ktiiiiiiiiir 7elo kamen touch, w zghir ktir... choufi 3a site l apple!! :wacky:

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an ok! ye3ne eza baddeh bechtere guitar w benzal 3a USEK?


haha ya 3adra da7aktineh ktir! ma 3am betzakkar amtin 2ekhir marra d7eket hal2add!:laugh3: hehe eh ma ana heik 2elet l mama, 2eltella "ma badde rou7 la 3anda w so77 w medre chou, Kurt Cobain ken heik, Vincent Van Gogh, 7atta Chris Martin!!" l 3alam yalle 3emlo chi bel dene ma keno 3ade metel l kell, mabadde koun metel kell l 3alam 2aslan. w ba3dein ma3ik 7a22, betsire t7esse 2enno 3am betre2bik kell ma tetnaffase w kell ma tet7arakke betsire ktir self conscious w ba3dein medre chou bisir! aww merci ktiiiiiir, Micha! I love you!:hug: merci!!:heart::heart: i'm feeling much better than i did in days.


ma3ik 7a22 2enno lezim le2e che8el, kenet 3am bechte8eil bass ma fine 2orbout 2ahle yekhdoune w yjiboune kell yom la2anno ma bikoun fi transport public wa2et l dawem, ba3dein ma ba3rif wein badde 2echte8il, 3abele 3end l virgin aw 3end librairie Antoine.:wideeyed: ra7 2addim demande 3al inetrnet!


eh ma heik! ktiiiiiir salbeh l jdideh!:awesome: ayya lon baddik?

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2eza baddik... bass lezim ta3rfeh 2eza baddik classique, moderne(acoustic), 2aw electrique.

2ana b2oul classique la2an bi sir fikeh tde2eh holik bi ktir souhouleh, 2aw moderne.

2oulileh wa2ta baddik techtereh guitare bdellik 3a ma7alet mne7.



2enno lezim tkouneh btelebsseh che7ata birkenstock, chezden (chaklo metel kis l naylon) longchamps, w 3awenet Ray Ban w blackberry w betsireh te3elkeh metel l jadbeh, w anorexique... sa3eta sad2ineh bet sireh sociale "la darajeh mech tabi3iyeh charchoura tu vas voire c'est supeeeeeeeeeeerr, ya hayeteh 2ana moi je parles seulement avec les gens qui porten t dees sous-vetement D&G..."


2akid byi2baloukeh... bel virgin barkeh 2aktar la2an byikhdo tlemiz jem3a. Brou7 la 3andik bsir 2es2allik 2as2ila, 3al 2alileh 7ada ra7 yi sir yifham 3aleyeh :D

Ce qui conduit a la conclusion que tu est bien sociale.



Ma ba3rif barkeh 2abyad (bass byiswasakh bser3a) mmmm... l orange 7elo kamen.

:wacky: sorna 2 ra7 njibo 3anna zet l 2afkar -> ont est sociale DANS NOTRE SOCIETE!!

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eh ok ra7 2ellik! merci ktir!:nice:


hehe eh! 2enno eza mannik metel kell l 3alam ye3ne 2ente ghalat.:shifty:


nchalla ye2baloune!:wacky: ya tkheyale 3am bechte8il bel virgin!! ma bo2bad ma3ach, bekhoud ketoub w cdyet badel l masare, ma 2aslan kenet saraftoun honik! w eh betsire teje!:awesome: bta3erfe chi 3a 2ayya email beb3at l cv? ma 3am le2e chi.:shrug:


l mauve 7elo kamen, wel l blue, wel silver, wel noire.:wacky: hehe eh:lol: dans la societe ou les gens qui ne sont pas des copies conformes les uns des autres w habal w medre chou.:angry:


EDIT: badde nem, bonne nuit Micha w merci ktiiiiir ktiiiiir 3a kell chi lyom!:hug: *ba3attelik 3aboutta kbiiiiire w bawsit bonne nuit:heart:*

2elile 3an exogenesis symphony bass tesma3iya.

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Ba3rif 2eza bet rou7eh 3a Paris 2aw Madrid ma fi chi menno, kel wa7ad chaklo chi ma fi masalan tnen lebsin zet l sobat.


Beftekir 2a7san trou7eh la 3andon la2an barkeh ma yefta7o l talabet taba3 l internet... Bi siro yi fakro 2enno :"2eza ma 2ela jledeh tejeh la hon ya3neh ma 2eleh jledeh ta3mol chi" + bit sireh dekhleh bel societe, bet sireh sociale (Michelle is being extremly sarcastic right now)



2ana ma b7eb l noire :P

L rouge 7elo, fi 2alwen byi3ta2o, 2enno btezha2eh menon bser3a.


:lol: Exactement.

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Salmileh 3ala l "psychologue" taba3ik ma tenseh!!!

Mech msad2a khallis men l madrasseh w rou7 sefir... 2abel ma ken baddeh tokhlass la2an ma kenet 3erfeh chou ken badeh 2a3mol.


Nchallah yi2baloukeh!!! :D


L noire ktir sobre, chic, ma ba3rif kif. Barkeh la2an 2ana ma b7eb l noire men l 2asel b7eb l blanc (ka lon).

3a fekra l nano l jdid ma fiyo video, bass 2aslan ktir zghrir ta l wa7ad yi7dar 3aleh video, w menon 3am bi 2oulo 2enno mbala ra7 yi sir fiyo bass bi software l jdid...

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bta3erfe chou? hal yamnein fakkaret mni7, ma ma3e social phobia la2anno kenet chtaghelet bel mat7af eza eh? kell nos se3a 2atti3 bus fiyo 70 chakhes w 2e3doud 2e7ke w fasserloun w 2obroum ma3oun....? mech ma32oul! hiyye 2ossit insucrities aktar men chi tene w fine 2echte8il 3layoun. halla2 2ana beste7e ktir w b7ebb dall lawa7de bel beit badeil ma 2odhar ma3 2as7abe (2eza betsamyoun 2as7ab aslan) bass ma betde2yene hay l cha8le, bel 3akes. L chi l wa7id yalle mech mni7 hiye 2enno ktir 3am ta3melle machekil ma3 2ahle, ktir ktir ktir.:( bass lyom 2a7san b ktir men gheir 2iyyem. l doc ballouta fiya tekoul caca, chou bta3refene aktar ma ba3rif 7ale?


:heart: mabsoutetlik add l dene!!! mech khayfe 3lake wala netfe, 7esse 2enno kel chi ra7 yozbat ma3ik!


merci. toli3 lezim 2addim bel virgin b downtown beirut, boukra benzal!


umm ana ma badde videos, l 2a8ene bikaffoune! chou 2arrarete tjibe?

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Eh ma3keh 7a2 10000%. 2ana ktir beste7eh kamen bass 2enno ma 2esmeh 3andeh social anxiety, jadbeh haydeh l psy.

Tab rou7eh dhareh kam marra hek kellon sawa bya3rfo 2enno ma bekeh chi w 3al 2alileh 2azka menon. W ma tmacheklia ktir, ya3neh ma tcher3iyon ktir, w dhareh ma3on chi marten, 2aw 2aktar bel jem3a w khlosna, byisekto menon wa7don.

W 2eza mech 3ejeba lal "psy" jibileh yeha la hon ta farjilik yeha barkeh bet batleh tchoufiya 3eycheh.



Merciiiiiiiiiiiie :heart:



3am betkheyalik bel jacket l rouge w kel chi :P



2ana 2arraret jib l nano l jdid bass 3am bi 2oulileh 16Gb 2a7ssan la2an 8 ma bi 2ado, 2aslan kel l library taba3teh 7.5 fa 2akid badeh 2aktar men 8.

Barkeh jib rouge 2aw orange.

Ya3neh Hayda

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eh heik ra7 2a3mil! ma3 2enno ma bti2 2odhar ma3oun, ma 7ada metle, bass 2e7ke ka2anno 3am be7ke legha tenye byottala3o fiyye ka2anne medre chou 2elet bkoun 3am khabberoun 3am kteb aw 3an chi musique....


2a7sanloun ye2baloune, eza ma 2bloune henne l khosranin.:phu:


ma tjibeh l orange.:evil:

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eh heik ra7 2a3mil! ma3 2enno ma bti2 2odhar ma3oun, ma 7ada metle, bass 2e7ke ka2anno 3am be7ke legha tenye byottala3o fiyye ka2anne medre chou 2elet bkoun 3am khabberoun 3am kteb aw 3an chi musique....


2a7sanloun ye2baloune, eza ma 2bloune henne l khosranin.:phu:


ma tjibeh l orange.:evil:

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Mazelik hek ra7 jib l orange :P



Cheyfeto lal video, 3emeltello download 2abel ma sefir, ktir ktir ktir ktir salbeh. :D




Men l se3a 9 w nos 2e3deh wa7deh bel bet, 3a 2ases ra7 2erja3 2ana w ref2ateh chi ma7al, toli3 ma ba3rif min menon ma fiyo, fa saro kellon ma fiyon.

2akalet sandwich, ken khayeh talib bel maktab houweh w ref2ato, bi 2arif, kello toum BLEEEEH:(

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ma b7ebbik.:disappointed:


ktir salbeh!!:awesome: ana chayfeto men bel 3al tv.


7aram :hug: ma3lech boukra byozbat chi machrou3!:nice:

eww ma bti2 l toum!! wala marra bekoul toum bass 3abele sandwish tawouk halla2.:wacky:


*ra7it l kaharaba, please ups ma totfe please please*

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:P 2eza mech orange rouge.


allah yisma3 mennik :S



ta3eh la 3andeh mnekelon ma3 nutella w booza w mno7dar DVD...ok?



:lol: 2ana l laptop bi sattil wa2ta ton2oti3 2eza fet7a ktir 2osas 3aleh.

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