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Lebanese Coldplay fans?!


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Barkeh Adkom (ma7al 3ado bass apple, wakil)

2aw men l apple store. (2arkhass chi)



:awesome: ma 2aslan 2akid ra7 yi2baloukeh bel virgin, fa bejeh ba3melik zyara wa2ta tbalcheh cheghel :D



:lol: ba3rfo 3emletlo follow fi kamen:


Bi farto de7ek, tnayneton... :wacky:



lech l siggy taba3ik bet 2oul :"ma 2akalet l mkhadee"??? :lol:

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l apple store taba3 ABC Achrafieh? Mabrouk men halla2!


yi eh! nchalla!!!


eh ba3erfo hayda kamen bass b7ebb haydak aktar.:wacky: fi ask b y u so arab l url taba3o: Sharmoota. Ma bti2a hay l kelme, ma b7eyete 2elta w bass 7ada y2oula bsakkto!! leik ana chou mni7a:blush:


ma ba3rif, nattit l jemle bi rase ana w 3am 7ott sig.:shrug:

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wlw! merci bass ana ma ra7 jiba 2abel ma 2o2bad...


ma ba3rif ba3ed, btetzakkare hayda l sabe yalle khabbartik 3anno? houwe 2addam men chi chaher w 2al ra7 yde2oulo bi2ouloulo 2eza n2bal, ba3e jem3a men ma 2addam da2oulo bass ken neyim 2emo 2alo la 2okhto2enno byerja3o bye7kou bass ma rej3o. aw barkeh ken 3am bi2allif khbar.:thinking:


Rita.Hable. ---->>>> FACT.


ana m7azzbe, hable, mahdoume w metwad3a!:blush:


chou 3am ta3emle halla2? ana zeh2ene w 3am bekoul bouza.

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Mech mafroud techterleh ta to2badeh? :rolleyes:


mmmmm... eh bass 2enteh mech metlo satleh fa 2akid byi2baloukeh 2awem.


Rita.bet.7eb.Muse.----->most valuable fact in the world


la2 2enteh: mhazabeh, mahdoumeh, bet da7keh, *btehebliya 2ased*, zakieh, ktir mni7a, w bet 7ebeh Muse. :D



2akalet l crepe, w hala2 ma 3am ba3mol chi, zeh2aneh metlik. :nod:

2al rfi2o la khayeh nezil 3al ba7er bi 3amchit (hala2, l se3a 11)

w khayeh bado yi le2i, bass ma fiyo la2an 3ando cheghel.

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eh ma kermel heik 3am 2oul 2enno ba3ed mtawle ta jiba.




Rita.Badda.Tekoul.Micha.Add.Manna.Mahdoume.W.Mni7a.--->>> add ma hal fact precious 7attino b musee ta7et bulletproof glass b 2aleb khazne l code taba3a hiye kell l digits ba3ed l virgule taba3 π (3.14159265358979323846264 w ba3ed ta yokhlaso.) :phu:


Micha!!! merci ktir ktir!!:heart: ana ma chi 2eddemik!!! zakiye w mahdoume w btefhame w betfa23ine de7ek marrat w ana b2oul yaret kenet metlik bass kenet addik add mannik mni7a w mature asdfghgjkgljdksht:hug:



halla2? chou helo 3a ba7er bel leil!!!:wacky:

7aram khayyik! nchalla ye2dir yrou7 chi marra teniye. khallas jem3a 7atta 3am yechteghil?

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:lol: 2eltellik 2a2wa fact bel 3alam hayda, bta3rfeh kel chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 3anon.












Mercie :hug: :kiss:


La2, 3am yichteghil bi maktab bayeh, ra7 yi sir 3eme annee architecture.

Bass fiyo yi ballich men hala2 yichetghil, houweh w tnen men ref2ato byichterlo ma3 bayeh.

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hehe eh!!


merci 3a chou? hayde l 7a2i2a!!!:heart:


khayy leik chou mni7 bayyik! allah ywafe2o l khayyik w 2as7abo.

ne7na bel archeo men 3ouz ktir l architecture, ken marra 3ende projet w 3am bo2ra 3an site 3/4 l 2echya architecture soret ra7 2ebke!! bel 2ekhir bass 3melet yalle fhemtoun mennou (tol3o chi ma2ta3!). B gheir matari7 bya3to tlemiz l archeo saff architecture mech metel hone.:shifty:

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Eh bta3rfeh la2an bi lebnen l archeo ktir m2adameh, la darajeh 2enno byijeh l hariri (l bay) bi tom recherche kenit 3am bet sir bi Beirut, ken fiya Charles Hayek, keno 3am yiktechfo ktiiiiiiiiiiiir 2osas, byijo teneh nhar bi le2o tracteurs 3am bi tommo l recherche taba3on, ta yi 3amro fay2on bineyet. Hayda Lebnen. :D



Ma fikon 2ento tetolbo cours architecture??

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mech sem3a fiya hayde l 2ossa, 3endik chi link l article aw chi 7ekyin 3anna?

bta3erfe 2enno b Beirut kell l fouilles hennes "fouilles de sauvetage" bi tall3o l athar, byedersouwoun w bichilouwoun ta y3ammro ma7alloun la2anno mamnou3 y3amro 3layoun bass kell l arade ta7eit menbe3a w baddoun y3amro 3laya, wa2ta kenet 3am bechte8il ta7et barramoune w khabbaroune 2enno fy 6 sites ta7et heik, bass ykhallso cheghel fiyoun ra7 ytomouwoun w y3ammro. chi bibakke, law betchoufe chou kenna 3am ntalli3 ta7eit!!!:bigcry:

l2it article bifassir kell chi men yawmein: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/Business/Lebanon/2011/May-03/Developing-Beirut-under-archaeologists-scrutiny.ashx#axzz1Ul7tpLfD 2ry 2eza 2elik jlede chi nhar.


haha la2! eza talabna war2a ta na3mil 3laya l fa7es bya3emloulna ossa, 2eza talabna 2enno yefta7o l cafeteria byo2obrouna!!! tkheyale chou bisir 2eza talabna saff!


EDIT: bonne nuit! A demain.:hug:

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Bass mech khwarneh l alba! :P

Bass 7atta l khwarneh bta3rfeh ma byiklo chi, ma 3andon siyarat... 7aram.




mmmmm... 3am be7dar film 2esmo :"Pan's Labyrinth" ktir 7elo.

w... soret 2e7dar "arte" (Bi 7atto ktir 2osas salbeh... marrat)

W soret "obsessed" bi The Kills.

W 7ayeteh ba3da = 2a3deh bel bet


W 2enteh, chou 3andik khbar?

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lech mfakkra khayyik bel Kaslik ana?:facepalm: kenet m2akkade 2enno bel kaslik! addech ba3ed 3endo? sene?

bass eh 3an l khwarne, akbar ma3attarin!


biza33il hayda l film!

eh! arte ktiir salbeh, marra 7atto doctumentaire chi se3tein 3an Darwin!:wideeyed: w bi7otto kamen Tales of mere Exsistance men youtube w .........:awesome:

hehe! rje3te jebte Suck it and See?


umm ana ma 3ende chi, lyom re7na 3a 2al3it l msayel7a w 3a Jbeil,

l2it 3ende chi 3 ketoub ba3ed mech 2aryetoun men l biblotheque taba3e fa sar 3ende chi 2a3emlo lakenet ballachet dares la 2addym 3a chi jem3a gheir,

seret 3am bekoul bekoul w dal jo3ane:freak:

w bass.

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La2 bass bayeh bi 3alim bel Kaslik. :P

Hala2 feyit 3eme annee, ba3ed 3ando 3 (heneh 6)


Chouway, bass bel 2ekhir "happy ending" l film.

W mberi7 keno 7attin Glasto. (bass ghaniyeh men kam performers)


Eh jebto men Spain. :D




ne7na seconde bya3touna ketob ta no2riya w nektob 3anna w 2osas bel francais, fa 3am khalleh hiweyteh la ba3den. :blank:

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chi 3 men ref2ate 3am ya3emlo architecture ta7et!

ufff! ya3ty l 3afiye.:nice:


betzakkar awwal marra 7derto khefet men Pale Man yalle 3youno bi 2ideh, 2ele zamen mech 7adreto bass!

awlik bi7otto Reading aw Leeds?:wacky:


ah OK, Makrouk!!!



hehehe:lol: lech? ma bet7ebbe to2re?

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2ana kamen, brrrrrr...

3atoul bi 7atto hek 2osas, nchallah :D






Mbala, b7eb 2o2ra ktir, bass nchallah yi koun l kteb bi 3a2id, 2eza jabrineh 2o2ri bbatil 7ebo.

Marra 2rit kteb, nsit 2esmo, ken lezim 2a3melo resumé, ken ktir 7elo, bass bel 2ekhir ma to2to bel marra la2an jabarouneh fiyo.

(Ba3rif ktir ghalat bass 2ana hek: 2eza 7atta bi rasseh masalan fout 2et7amam ba3ed 5min. w 2eja 7ada 2aleh fout 2et7amam ma bfout. :nod: )

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ana la chi 25 octobre. na na na!!


bta3rfe kif wa2ta ykoun 7ada ze3len kell l beit bisir ze3len? eh okhte zeh2ene 2em 2ela kell l nhar neyme w halla2 l kell zeh2enin w m3assbin! MA LAW BTOU3A MENROU7 CHI MATRA7!!!!!!!! MA3ASSBE ANA LYOM B CHAKEL!!!!!!!!!! 3am dall m3assbe hal 2iyyem.

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