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Lebanese Coldplay fans?!


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ma bel 2ekhir betmoute la2anno ma 3am ta3emele chi, 2ele 3eyche chi 2 months of zero productivity, w 7esse 2enno 2ele heik chi 20 sene.:bigcry:

2eh, la halla2 ra7 kaffe bass ma badde.......ma ba3rif chi. ma ba2 ra7 ne2 3al ossa bass.


7LEFE!!! ANA KAMEN 3MELET LYOM!! men chi jem3a 7deret hayda l video w 2arrarret 2a3mil! [ame=


:wacky: kif se2abit!

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yumm sa7tein!:wacky:


eh ba3mela! sa2ilin!


mberi7 ana w okhte 2arrarna nrou7 3al cine chi l se3a 10 2emna wsolna ta2riban 10 w noss 2al l zalame ta7et 2enno ballacho l 2aflem men chi 10 d2ayi2 w ballach yetla2man 2emet ana (la2anne l ra2ise w 2a2wa we7de w bda3wis l kell:wink:) 2eltello: "chou ye3ne ma fina nfout, ma 2anja2 2ata3 10 d2ayi2" ma wa2aff yetla2man 3ammo l ticket (la2anno wa7a khara w mech sorry 3al kelme) bass wosil wa7ad byechteghil honik houwe bel saff ma3 okhte wa2ta w 2allo "khalas ana bfawetoun" 2em fawatna 3al film bibaleich, ken bi2arif wel salle m3abbeye 3alam 2emna 2arrarna nfell ba3ed chi 5 d2ayi2 w re7na tmachayna 2aklna bouza w honik fi wa7ad 2ahbal tse2al 3a Anny 2emet ana sabaytello la2anne mhazbeh:phu: w jina 3al beit ma3 taxi mahdoum:blush:.

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ma betzakkar 2esmo lal film:thinking: fiyo Rayan Gosling w Emma Stone....bass ktir beyikh, aw yemkin ana l2ito beyikh la2anno 3assabne hayda l zalame, di2a l2it l 2esem crazy stupid love, hone bel espace 7derne.

eh toli3 ktir mahdoum taba3 l taxi, sar baddo yefta7 7adis ma3na bass ana ma ba3rif 2e7ke ma l 3alam fa soret: "Why meee?? 7ki ma3 anny. ma ta7ke ma3e. ana mech hone.:anxious:" byet3allam ma3ik b aintoura bel se khallas hayde l sene bass ma naja7 bisabab l tosli7.

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Ma tenghache bel mazahir, Micha. Laysa koulo ma yalma3 zahaban.:nod: *2riya b sot serieux*


eh ana heik, "wein 3am tet3allame?"-"lebneniye".....ba3ed chi di2tein.... "chou 3am ta3emle?"-"archeologie":blank:. Awkward people are awkward.


eh, hayda l taxi heik kelloun, marra toli3 wa7ad ken ma3e bel madrase, bass 2a7la men taxiet l 3ade la2anno btib3atiloun message w byejo, w kamen heik kelloun zghar mech metel l taxi l 3adeh rjel bel 50 sa2ilin!! w ktiir rkhas w ktiir mahdoumin w bikhallouke tesma3e radio 3azaw2ik. (ma3 2enno ma fi chi 7elo 3al radio)

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Ma tenghache bel mazahir, Micha. Laysa koulo ma yalma3 zahaban.:nod: *2riya b sot serieux*


eh ana heik, "wein 3am tet3allame?"-"lebneniye".....ba3ed chi di2tein.... "chou 3am ta3emle?"-"archeologie":blank:. Awkward people are awkward.


eh, hayda l taxi heik kelloun, marra toli3 wa7ad ken ma3e bel madrase, bass 2a7la men taxiet l 3ade la2anno btib3atiloun message w byejo, w kamen heik kelloun zghar mech metel l taxi l 3adeh rjel bel 50 sa2ilin!! w ktiir rkhas w ktiir mahdoumin w bikhallouke tesma3e radio 3azaw2ik. (ma3 2enno ma fi chi 7elo 3al radio)

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA :lol: faratet de7ek chi se3ten... ok 2anissa Rita.



We are awkward.


Ktir salbeh!!!!! :P

2awal marra besma3 fiyon chou ra2em l cherkeh?? 2aw ra2mo 2aw 7ayala??



Fouteh choufeh chou 3amelet comment la we7deh 3a fb :P



Badeh rou7 jib "the Perks of Being a Wallflower" (kteb) bass ma ba3rif 2eza bi koun 3andon yeh bel virgin, badeh jarrib Antoine kamen.

(Fikeh t2admeh 3and Antoine 3a fekra lal cherel, bass ma ba3rif 2eza byikhdo tlemiz jem3a la2an kel yalli bchoufon bi kouno khetyeriyeh :/ )

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rita bte7ke 7ekam.:phu:




halla2 ble2e l ra2em w beb3atlik yeh PM!


halla2 ana fa2a3et de7ek!!:laugh3: kelloun "ufff" "wow" w bteje 2ente :lol: hehehe halla2 Micha bte7ke 7ekam.


2ente 3eyche b rase aw chou????? lyom 2rit post 3a tumblr fio hayda l kteb w tzakkaret 2enno Emma Watson betmassil bel film taba3o w sar badde jibo. 3anjadd 3enna telepathie!!!:heart: awlik 3endoun yeh?

ba3rif, nzelet 3a librarie antoine taba3 l abc men chi chaher w chefet 2enno 3endoun 3alam xghar 3am yechte8elo, ya3ne adde, 2eltella la mama tes2aloun 2eza baddoun 7ada 2al halla2 ma na2ous chi bass sar ma3oun emaile w ra7 yeb3atoule ta 2eb3at l cv wa2ta baddeoun. w ba3ed ma nzelet 3a downtown ta 2addim 3al virgin.

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Ok thanks.


:P tafa2et 2ana w yalli 7atit l status, kel marra btotlob menneh likes fa hal marra 2eltella 2enno badeh 7at haydeh :P



:lol: telepathie 3a t2il bass :P (2ana kamen men wara tumblr seret badeh jibo)

Barkeh 2eza nzelet 3al virgin 2aw antoine b2ellik wen mawjoud. :nice:


Nzaleh halaaaaaaaaaaaa2 (2enno mech l se3a 1 bass 2enno boukra)!!!

The world needs you, we need you.

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ana heik ba3mil ana w okhte bass hiye ma betkhalline hot comments.:(


eh ok, w ana kamen, yalle betle2i 2abel bet2oul lal teniye!:nice:


jebtellik ra2em l taxi: sefer tlete, sept five sab3a six four tnen. hayyantellik yehe kamen. :P


baddik ykouno 2ahle fadyin yekhdoune, ma ba3rif 2ousla la ta7et la7ale (ma3 2enno kenet 3am bechteghil 3al site ta7et bi leza2 l virgin 3a chi chaher :P)

marra jebet kteb 1984 men virgin l geant, nakachto men ta7et l 2ared ta l2ito, 7attino keno b 2ekhir l dene. rje3et ba3et jem3a l2ito 7attou chi 3 editions 7add ba3ed deghre 2eddem kell chi, hehe chefte chou 3emlo? w marra kamen ma kenet le2e awwal cd l muse 2emet wasseit 3ke w ba3ed ma 2eja w chtarayto b chi jem3a rje3et l2ito ma3 cds muse be2yin.:freak: /sorry 2eza ma fhemte chi men l ossa ma ba3rif 2eza ba3rif fassir.:(

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Ok :)



:P 7abbet 3 leghat hek ma fi ghayreh w ghayrik fiyo yi2ri. Anw mercie!



:lol: ma3leh 2eza ta tle2eh cheghel 2akid bi wasloukeh :D


Mbala fhemet, ma3keh 7a2 men zamen ma kenet le2eh chi la Arctic Monkeys, marra hek faj2a chefton 7attin Humbug ken sarlo chi senten nezil w ra7 yinzal l jdid. :nod:

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Ok :)



:P 7abbet 3 leghat hek ma fi ghayreh w ghayrik fiyo yi2ri. Anw mercie!



:lol: ma3leh 2eza ta tle2eh cheghel 2akid bi wasloukeh :D


Mbala fhemet, ma3keh 7a2 men zamen ma kenet le2eh chi la Arctic Monkeys, marra hek faj2a chefton 7attin Humbug ken sarlo chi senten nezil w ra7 yinzal l jdid. :nod:

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