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John McCain Would Have Been Worse Than Obama

Matter-Eater Lad

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I was shocked to hear this, I don't disagree but I thought he hated Obama more than anyone.


In a one-on-one interview with Katie Couric, Glenn Beck says would have much preferred Hillary Clinton to be president instead of Barack Obama, and might have even voted for her against John McCain.


Beck called McCain is "a weird progressive, like Theodore Roosevelt" and said definitively, "I think John McCain would have been worse for the country than Barack Obama. Ha! How's that?"


The full interview will be available tonight at 7 Eastern, but the McCain clip is below.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHqCNOhiYNg]YouTube - Glenn Beck: McCain Would've Been Worse[/ame]

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He was talking about this statement on his radio show today... Said he phrased it a little rough, but that if McCain had been in office, we still would have adopted more international laws and treaties, etc, would have still gone down the road of progressivism, and everything would have been blamed on "conservative values" So in that way, in the long run it is almost better to have Obama or Hillary, if we can slow down the freight train...

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Lately Glenn Beck is far more logically-consistent than most of the other commentators on television and radio. He's slowly morphing into this blend of populism and libertarianism, from his original hardcore Republican belief system.


People make fun of him for being a character, but I can't fault him for being in the top quintile of political entertainers, in terms of rationality. I hope his evolution and maturation continues, and I hope he influences his viewers to rethink their positions on liberty. Maybe one day he'll see that perpetual war doesn't make Americans safer in the long run.

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Lately Glenn Beck is far more logically-consistent than most of the other commentators on television and radio. He's slowly morphing into this blend of populism and libertarianism, from his original hardcore Republican belief system.


People make fun of him for being a character, but I can't fault him for being in the top quintile of political entertainers, in terms of rationality. I hope his evolution and maturation continues, and I hope he influences his viewers to rethink their positions on liberty. Maybe one day he'll see that perpetual war doesn't make Americans safer in the long run.


totally agree with you here... He's gotten better at researching since the 2008 election... He's has been only slightly partisan compared to other commentators. He sharply criticized bush while he was in office. but now he got better... He is a little more prejudice against EVERYONE now...


I don't think the war makes us that much more or less safe in the US... Sure initially it did, getting rid of the regime and searching for WMDs... Now, not so much. But I wasn't sure why we began that war and ignored other places... I thought from the beginning that it was because of what Sadaam said to George H. W. Bush... But I could be less conspiratorial and say that it's because the president wanted to focus our military's efforts in that region of the world, close to Iran.



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totally agree with you here... He's gotten better at researching since the 2008 election... He's has been only slightly partisan compared to other commentators. He sharply criticized bush while he was in office. but now he got better... He is a little more prejudice against EVERYONE now...


I don't think the war makes us that much more or less safe in the US... Sure initially it did, getting rid of the regime and searching for WMDs... Now, not so much. But I wasn't sure why we began that war and ignored other places... I thought from the beginning that it was because of what Sadaam said to George H. W. Bush... But I could be less conspiratorial and say that it's because the president wanted to focus our military's efforts in that region of the world, close to Iran.




The Iraq war from the very beginning was meant to be about ending the supposed nuclear or wmd threat that Iraq posed to the US. Turns out, this was a false pretense to invade a country. Later, after thousands of innocent lives are lost, bush says, oh, it's a liberation mission. please. give me a break. there was so much money in iraq for so many interests. I still remember being spit on by conservative "patriots" in this country because I dared protest the bush regime at an anti-war rally in 2003. bush should have never left afghanistan. period. I would have had much more respect for him if he had stayed there.

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The Iraq war from the very beginning was meant to be about ending the supposed nuclear or wmd threat that Iraq posed to the US. Turns out, this was a false pretense to invade a country. Later, after thousands of innocent lives are lost, bush says, oh, it's a liberation mission. please. give me a break. there was so much money in iraq for so many interests. I still remember being spit on by conservative "patriots" in this country because I dared protest the bush regime at an anti-war rally in 2003. bush should have never left afghanistan. period. I would have had much more respect for him if he had stayed there.


I agree. And now were giving oil from Iraq to China saying "please don't destroy our dollar".

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haha. so true Nick. we will never fuck with China. Our economy is so dependent upon China and India.


We are starting to fuck with China, earlier this year Turbo Tax Timmy pissed off the Chinese leader, saying they were "manipulating their currency", which WE are doing.


Now they're mad because of the Fed is monetizing the debt and printing money like mad, and making the value of their reserves fall, that is why China is getting out of the dollar, buying real goods like Gold, copper, Oil and materials for building and calling for a new reserve currency.


The ONLY reason why Treasury Bonds have not shot through the roof is the Fed now buys most of it, our Central Bank buys most our Governments debt.


If China still wanted to it could destroy the value of the dollar a lot quicker, but I'm surprised how nice they've been lately.

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