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My Best Friend Is A Butterfly :-D


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Since more than a week I share my room of the flat I´m living in with a butterfly! :wacko:


When I saw him one and a half week ago I thought that I can´t let him fly out of the window because it´s too cold for him outside.. It´s November now and we allready had frost in the morning once. He would have died at night I think. So he flew through my room some times then. The next day he was gone but after two days he suddenly was there again! It was really funny. I thought he found a way outside maybe but he was still here! :-) He hided somewhere in a corner I couldn´t see him. :-P

Then he was gone again. But today as I came home I saw him sitting at the window! But I think he doesn´t find anything to eat in here :worried:


I was just bored and had nothing to do when I decided not to let him outside. But in the meantime he really is on my mind everyday :strange: It´s just a butterfly. :rolleyes:


What do they eat? Maybe I can help him to overwinter!? :D :happy2:


He (or she?) currently has got no name! Can you make some suggestions please? :)





This is the butterfly...



...look how he´s having a view from the window!.. :)






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Did you know butterflies hibernate?

That might be its intention.:rolleyes:


Hibernating Butterflies are cold-blooded and cannot withstand winter conditions in an active state. Butterflies may survive cold weather by hibernating in protected locations. They may use the peeling bark of trees, perennial plants, logs or old fences as their overwintering sites. They may hibernate at any stage (egg, larval, pupal or adult) but generally each species is dormant in only one stage.

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Did you know butterflies hibernate?

That might be its intention.:rolleyes:


Hibernating Butterflies are cold-blooded and cannot withstand winter conditions in an active state. Butterflies may survive cold weather by hibernating in protected locations. They may use the peeling bark of trees, perennial plants, logs or old fences as their overwintering sites. They may hibernate at any stage (egg, larval, pupal or adult) but generally each species is dormant in only one stage.


Of course I know! :rolleyes:

But in flats where humans live? :uhoh2:



maybe you should look for him and see if he is in a safe position where you might not accidentally injure him.


Don´t know where he is at the moment! He´s hiding again!

I think he seached for a safe place by himself :nice:

But one thing is for sure: he is still in here!






:flutterby: Guess what!? He likes listening to LeftRightLeftRightLeft :-p :cheesy:

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