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Crisp lover changes name to Mr Monster Munch


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Crisp lover changes name to Mr Monster Munch


A man who is obssessed with crisps, eating a different flavour for breakfast, lunch and dinner, has changed his name by deed poll - to Mr Monster Munch.




Published: 7:30AM GMT 03 Dec 2009


munch_1536022a.jpg Plumber Chris Hunt who has changed his name to Mr Monster Munch Photo: STIAN ALEXANDER



Chris Hunt, a plumber, starts the day with packet of pickled onion Monster Munch, has a roast beef Monster Munch sandwich for lunch and a Flamin' Hot flavour bag for dinner.

He is so obsessed with the corn snack that he has even devised recipes to include Monster Munch in rice and pasta dishes.

THe 26-year-old finally changed his name after being dared to by friends.

Mr Munch - or Monster to his pals - said: ''I just can't get enough of them. I love all the flavours, but admit roast beef is a particular favourite.

''I used to just eat three bags of roast beef a day, but I decided I needed a bit of variety in my life, so now I vary the flavours between breakfast, lunch and dinner.''

He often mixes his Monster Munch with traditional meals - but is yet to crack the secret of mixing the crisps with his breakfast.

''Don't knock it until you've tried it - everybody secretly loves crisp sandwiches, which I have for lunch,'' he said.

''The only thing I've not figured out yet is how to have my Monster Munch for breakfast.

''I've tried pouring milk on them, but they go soggy too quickly and on toast they are a bit dry.

''I'm sure I'll figure something out, though - maybe they would be good in a fry-up.''

Mr Munch, of Evington, Leics., made the name change without consulting Walkers, which makes the crisps, and says his mates were ''amazed''.

''They looked at me like I was nuts and dared me to change my name,'' he said.

''I don't think they thought I would go through with it - but now I demand to be called either 'Monster' or 'Mr Munch'.''

He said he was not worried about overeating as he runs five miles a day and works out in the gym three times a week.

''I know it's a bit extreme, but I make sure I eat a balanced diet and I run 35 miles a week and train in the gym three times a week,'' he said.

''I just don't want to give up Monster Munch - I loved them when I was a lad and when they brought out the new retro packs I must admit my heart skipped a beat.

''It took me way back to when I was a little boy and used to get Monster Munch as a treat.''

Paul Sanderson, a friend, said: ''Chris has always been a bit crazy, but this is taking things a bit too far - even for him.

''I'll call him Monster, though, because that's his name and that's what he wants - and I suppose it is a bit more interesting than boring Chris Hunt.''

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