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When the forum is broke/slow


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...and you wait ages for the Lounge to load, and you try different things to get it running, going through google, keep refreshing, etc etc.


And then theres no new posts. Or worse yet, one or two new posts which arent very interesting and make you wonder why you come on here.


Its a bitch.

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Exactly! But even if youre doing something else on the computer, if CPing isnt loading for like 20mins everytime you check, it becomes this compulsion that you need an update even if you know that not much will have changed. So you keep refreshing and trying different crap, and it finally loads... And its like... Yays :dozey:

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I am sure you got this idea for this thread some minutes ago when the page didn't load for like 15 minutes....I was pushing the refresh button but it didn't help.....so I finally started tidying up my room but kept running to the computer to see if it was working....and then finally it worked and I was like "awesome, I wonder if anybody is as lame as me"

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You should get twitter!


That's where all the cool people escapes when the site crashes :wacko:


I cant stand twitter!


I am sure you got this idea for this thread some minutes ago when the page didn't load for like 15 minutes....I was pushing the refresh button but it didn't help.....so I finally started tidying up my room but kept running to the computer to see if it was working....and then finally it worked and I was like "awesome, I wonder if anybody is as lame as me"


Great, united in lameness :awesome:

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I do remember you telling me once you leave, because you can't believe how lame you are playing stupid games in an arcade section on a Coldplay forum all day long...


Haha I suppose that is worse. At least when you post on it, you can do other things, but if youre just playing games non stop then you dont do anything else.

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