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Plz suggest ones that work. I swear to god there's a fucking mice infestation in my room, we're using the standard regular mousetraps baited with cheese (which FYI I KNOW doesn't work that well, I tried to convince my dad to set them with peanut butter which mice actually like but he didn't) but these mice are too clever for that kind of mousestrap. So idek how many of you have experience with MICE INFESTATIONS on the scale of what's in my room (which is at LEAST TWO MICE [!!!]) but could you suggest traps that work for you all? Live traps are best but I don't really care.

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You all are utterly unhelpful.


Tbh I brought this upon myself, moved upstairs into a dirty crowded attic and subsequentially threw all my school stuff all over the floor and have yet to pick it up. I would forget where it all was otherwise. I can't do organization.

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actually, don't kill them. stick them in a cage and make something similar to the device used near the end of 1984.


HAHAHA, I'll use that on my friend Alek, he's a fucking girl and would die if he saw a mouse.


They're really cute, too, I don't want to kill them. I saw the baby out with its mother the other night and besides startling me really bad it was awesome, the baby was adorable.

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HAHAHA, I'll use that on my friend Alek, he's a fucking girl and would die if he saw a mouse.


They're really cute, too, I don't want to kill them. I saw the baby out with its mother the other night and besides startling me really bad it was awesome, the baby was adorable.


If you don't want to kill them, get those sticky trap things so they get stuck.

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The sticky traps work. When I was in an apartment a few years ago I had to trap one. It was hanging out in our kitchen. So before I went to bed one night I put some aluminum foil on the top of my stove (so I could hear the mouse walking on it), put some cracker crumbs and peanut butter on the aluminum foil, and also put two sticky traps on it.


I know this sounds bad but... when it got stuck on the one, I gently put the other one on top of it (mouse trap/mouse sandwich), put it in a plastic bag, and then chucked it in the dumpster. It was the coldest part of winter, so I'm guessing it just froze. But hey, that's what it gets for pooping all over the kitchen. :dozey:

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this reminds me of the show Mouse Hunt... was that what it was called? :thinking:


just put rat poison around.


my neighbourhood has LOADS of tree rats or what looks like squirrels but aren't squirrels. we use kind of like those bait cages and the bait is normally banana.

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My dad usually puts traps with peanut butter out at his work, or the sticky pads. But the sticky ones don't always work, cause they sometimes don't stick, or the mice will chew their paws off to try to escape (ew :sick:). Or you could just shoot them. :blank:

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