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Happy belated birthday and Tom's birthday. :awesome:


Goooooooood, I'm very curious of what the next album will be like.


I keep meaning to do my homesork that was due yesterday but I keep getting distracted by interviews. Just so amusing. :|


Also, is it bad that the thing I'm most excited for about winter break is getting to watch Hoppus On Music? :anxious:

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:lol: That was funny!


I like their self titled too much. I can't put anything above that :P

Yeah, I've been trying to get my friend into them. She refuses to listen to me. But I made her listen to The Adventure and she said she liked it. But when I told her it was Tom Delonge she was like "Then I don't like it now." :|

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Oh yeah, I heard of that. I can't wait until I move out hahaha. xD


I went to search up Hoppus On Music on the TV and it turns out it's on on the weekends too and it's on right now and I missed it. :|

i think i'm developing an unhealthy obsession with mark

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Did you listen to Tom talking about aliens and conspiracy things and stuff yesterday? I didn't, I was too tired lol. :|



I really hope they do. 155 is awesome.

I actually didn't realize until now that I don\t even have this song, holy crepes it rocks.

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It's off a blink confessions tumblr and it says "I wish that Tom could see a ufo. it would make him so happy, and he really deserves it for how much he cares about it". i think that's really sweet.


holy crepes i was listening to mxpx because i haven't in a while and then i was listening to wrecking hotel rooms and i was like HOLY SHIT THAT'S MARK HOPPUS it made my day


p.s. lillian > 155

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