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Coldplay's "new sound"


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I don't think it's new, many of the songs are very acoustic and very related with AROBTH style (UWTB, UIF, UATW and UFO). The rest of the song's have a new sounding, but have a core very coldplayish, for example Charlie Brown in style remember me Clocks but is different...

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One thing that bothers me is that they moved away from the VLV sound/style/whatever you want to call it too fast. I think they still have that style in them for another album. So when I heard MX, I'm quite surprise with the new direction.


With that said, I still like their 'new sound'. Some songs are too electronic/synth-y for me but the others makes up for it so it's not too bad.

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I actually don't think that Coldplay's style is that new.

Maybe Hurts Like Heaven or Princess of China, but mostly I think most of the new songs are very Coldplay-ish, especially songs like Us Against The World, Major Minus, U.F.O. or Up In Flames. :nod:

Or that's just what I felt. When I listened to some songs on Mylo Xyloto I thought that some songs could have been from AROBTTH or any other "old" Coldplay album. :nod:

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Since every album sounds wildly different, I don't think this sound is here to stay. We've now got a catalog of five albums and many, many B sides that all sound different from each other. Like Chris said, they're just doing the music that they want to to. They'll do something different next time.

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I actually don't think that Coldplay's style is that new.

Maybe Hurts Like Heaven or Princess of China, but mostly I think most of the new songs are very Coldplay-ish, especially songs like Us Against The World, Major Minus, U.F.O. or Up In Flames. :nod:

Or that's just what I felt. When I listened to some songs on Mylo Xyloto I thought that some songs could have been from AROBTTH or any other "old" Coldplay album. :nod:

Very true and I agree.


All the slower songs on the album reminds me of Parachutes/AROBTTH days and it's one of the reasons why I like this album. You have a bit of everything. It's the faster songs like HLH, PoC and ETIAW that are very different from those days.


But I do think PoC fits more perfectly with the VLV style than anything else.

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Since every album sounds wildly different, I don't think this sound is here to stay. We've now got a catalog of five albums and many, many B sides that all sound different from each other. Like Chris said, they're just doing the music that they want to to. They'll do something different next time.


Agreed. Coldplay wanted to try out a different sound for MX. Theres nothing wrong with experimenting. and much of the album has held true to the good old Coldplay sound we know and love.

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